Mr. Speaker, it is said that the wealth of a nation depends on how healthy its working population or the youth are. Mr. Speaker, if you look round, a lot of smokers are the youth who fall within the working group of this nation.
Mr. Speaker, the maker of the Statement has enumerated the ill-effects of smoking but I want to draw our attention to one other thing. It looks like we are stressing on cigarettes but there is a type of smoking, which is getting out of hand in the country among our youth, and this is wee smoking. Indeed, much of the indiscipline we are facing now, and which is so rampant in our secondary schools and even in our tertiary institutions, is due to wee smoking; that is marijuana. And the ill-effects of smoking marijuana are well known to everybody -- It deranges the brain; it reduces the strength of the smoker and all other things. Indeed, the armed robbery which is so rampant in the country now has its roots in wee smoking. When one smokes marijuana, he gets “high” and gets out of control.
Mr. Speaker, smoking, in actual fact,
whether it is cigarette or marijuana should be eradicated from the system. There should be measures that I think -- If the Government is putting emphasis on eradicating AIDS, it should also employ the same methods in trying to reduce the effects of using tobacco.
Mr. Speaker, statistics have shown that hypertension and cardio-vascular diseases and diabetes are on the ascendancy and it has been stated that smoking is one of the root factors, and I think the Government should step in and put in measures that are actually going to reduce the use of tobacco.
On this note, I associate myself with the Statement.