
Odekro has a number of policies relating to the operation of the website

User Privacy

  1. If you have registered to use the site we will never share your email address with any third parties
  2. If you have registered to use the site we will only contact you if there is a query with content you have posted on the site, or if you have signed up to our newsletter
  3. If you have signed up to our newsletter we will only contact you about news and updates about Odekro.org
  4. If you post a comment on the site, the username you have selected will be displayed

Politician Privacy

  1. Almost all of the information published on odekro.org is already in the public domain.
  2. In some instances odekro.org will publish information not previously in the public domain. Such instances will be as a result of the odekro team agreeing that there is material public benefit from this information being made public.
  3. Should a politician or member of their staff believe that information published is inappropriate or inaccurate then they should follow the instructions laid out in the 'Amendment' and 'Take Down' policies.
  4. All politicians have the right to provide responses to comments made. To do this they need to create an account and simply add a comment onto their own page.

Amendment Policy

  1. If you believe that any information on Odekro.org is inaccurate please contact us using the 'Correct This Information' option on the appropriate page. Please tell us more than a simple 'this information is wrong'. Please provide us with a source either for more accurate information or for proof that the information currently included is incorrect.
  2. Odekro will review all 'Correct This Information' submissions, and provided there is a credible source that either refutes the existing information or provides better information, the site will be amended.

Take-Down Policy

  1. Registered users of the site have the ability to post comments on almost every page on Odekro.org
  2. Once posted, the comment can be seen by the user and shared with others, but it will not be published on the site until a moderator approves it.
  3. Once a moderator has approved a comment, it will be published on the site
  4. If a user has demonstrated that they are a trust-worthy commenter, their comments will be auto-approved without intervention from a moderator.
  5. If you believe a comment (or other piece of information) on the site is offensive or inappropriate in any way please report it.
  6. Comments can be reported using the 'Report It' button, other pieces of information can be reported using the 'Correct This Information' button.
  7. If a piece of information has been flagged as being offensive or inappropriate, an Odekro moderator will prevent the comment from being publicly viewed whilst it is reviewed.
  8. If, after the review the Odekro team deems that the information is inappropriate, it will continue to be blocked from public access. If it is deemed to be appropriate, then it will be made accessible for public viewing again.