Asalaamu alaikum. Thank you, Mr. Speaker; it means peace be unto you and they answered, “and also unto me”.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for the opportunity to make a Statement on the occasion of the African Union (AU) Day of the African Child, June, 16, 2005. As I can observe, we have a lot of children here in the public gallery. I wish them a happy African Day.
Mr. Speaker, in July 1990, the then Organization of African Unity (OAU) member states in a resolution passed by 51 countries, declared the 16th June as the Day of the African Child, and since then the day has been observed as such throughout the continent. The 16 th of June was particularly chosen to honour the memory of the Soweto school children massacred by the Apartheid Regime for demanding their right to education in 1976.
The day is an occasion for African
states to reflect and deliberate on the issues that affect the survival, protection and development of the child.
The theme for this year's observation is “The African Orphan, Our Collective Responsibility”. Orphans are vulnerable children who find themselves as a marginalized group in society. This situation has been made worse by the HIV/ AIDS pandemic. It is estimated that in Africa, there are about 12 million orphans as a result of parents dying from AIDS and 16 per cent of these orphans are under six years of age.
Though Ghana is considered as one of the countries with a relatively low HIV/ AIDS prevalence rate (at 3.1 per cent) compared to other countries, the HIV/ AIDS pandemic has already orphaned over 200,000, children in the country. In some districts, the tragedy is straining families and communities, as well as weakening social safety nets and security.
A study conducted by the Ghana AIDS Commission in only 20 districts of the country in July last year indicates that there are between 170,000 and 200,000 orphans in these districts. Currently, there are 138 districts in Ghana and if we are to project this finding to the whole nation, you will all agree with me that the situation calls for concerted action.
Ghanaian communities have trad- itionally absorbed orphans within the extended family system; however, this trend has over the years reduced due to the breakdown of the extended family systems; especially in the major cities, thus affecting family life and opportunity for the children to go and to enjoy family life.
Stigmatization and discrimination
against persons with HIV/AIDS on the part of society has contributed to extended families shirking their traditional responsibilities of care and support for orphans.
Mr. Speaker, women, as always in crisis situations are rising up to the occasion, of course with their men behind them. I am happy to acknowledge the work of the queen Mothers Associations in the country for adopting, finding and placing orphans in families in their communities as well as identifying support packages for their care.
Mr. Speaker, permit me to particularly pay tribute to the Manya Krobo Traditional Area queen Mothers Association for their pioneering and strategic role in placing 1,035 orphans in families rather than orphan homes, with the support of the Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC), the Manya Krobo District Assembly, Family Health International, Catholic Relief Service and other civil society organizations. All the 1,035 are enrolled in schools and GAC is at this moment covering educational requirements bills for 400.
A number of orphan homes are also rendering services throughout the country and much as I commend them for rendering this service, I will also entreat them to enroll all the children in schools because orphanages are not necessarily schools on their own. Orphanages should also not be considered as businesses to reap profits.
Mr. Speaker, the best place for the child (orphan or otherwise) is, in the home with the family and thence the theme “Orphans Our Collective Responsibility”. we need to reinvigorate our traditional extended family value of providing care and support for orphans. As a country we further need to develop systems and strategies to support families to do this.
I therefore commend all agencies including Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), District Assemblies, GAC and our development partners for moving in this direction, and I take this opportunity to particularly salute Manya Krobo queen Mothers Association for their initiative which gives us a window of hope.
Mr. Speaker, permit me again on this special day to call on all pregnant women now and in the future to go for Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT). This is very important because it has proven to be the critical path that can substantially mitigate mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS. where the pregnant woman tests positive, she can then go through the programme and steps designed for preventing mother to child transmission. I will therefore entreat Members of this honourable House to carry out sensitization programmes and to encourage pregnant women in their constituencies to go for VCT.
My Ministry, in partnership with the Ghana AIDS Commission, the Ministry of Manpower Development, Employment and Youth, and Policy Planners Ghana (an NGO) has developed Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) policy guidelines.
The goal of the Guidelines is, to reduce the number of children made vulnerable by orphanhood from HIV and other factors, and improve on the fulfilment and protection of the rights, to include conscientising families, community institutions, on the rights and needs of OVCs.
African governments have expressed a strong desire to see children grow in changed circumstances and this aspiration featured prominently the African Common
Position adopted in Cairo (May 2001). Mr. Speaker, with your permission, I would like to quote from the statement that was adopted:
“we recognize that the future of Africa lies with the well-being of its children and youth. The prospect of socio-economic transformation of the continent rests with investing in the young people of the continent. Today's investment in children is tomorrow's peace, stability, security, democracy and sustainable development.”
African countries are increasingly adapting ECD policies which aim at promoting the holistic development of the child (children 0-8 years). ECD policies seek to integrate the various sectoral activities in a holistic framework. This encompasses health, nutrition, water and sanitation, care, stimulation, learning, social protection and facility and community empowerment so that children can develop to their fullest potential.
Only two weeks ago, the 3rd International Conference on ECD was held in Accra under the theme “Moving ECD in Africa Forward”. Forty-eight African countries with 20 African Ministers, and high level representatives of UNICEF, the world Bank, UNESCO, ADEA and wHO participated in the conference. The conference goal was to gain increased political commitment to ECD, facilitate accelerated action at country level and to feed recommendation and priority actions into ongoing country PRSPs, Sector wide programmes, NEPAD and other critical development plans.
I am glad to state that Ghana has been playing a lead role in this area. Our ECD Policy was launched in September 2004 and a multisectoral co-ordinating committee and a Secretariat have been established in my Ministry to accelerate implementation.
My Ministry, together with Ministries
of Education and Sports, Manpower, Youth and Employment , UNICEF and world Bank, have outlined an ECD and HIV/ AIDS guideline to ensure that we respond to specific needs of infected and affected children, and that all orphans and vulnerable children are targeted under ECD programmes.
Mr. Speaker, one of the cardinal issues that the Ghana ECD Policy deals with, is that of infant care and safe motherhood, and this brings into focus the story of babies “detained” at the Korle Bu Neo- natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
Mr. Speaker, I recall the recent incident at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital reported in The Mirror of May. 21, 2005, where 36 babies were “detained” for non-payment of fees and treatment at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. I visited the Unit to ascertain things for myself and will like to register my appreciation and congratulations to the doctors and nurses for their efforts and dedicated service to the children, their mothers and nation at large.
The mothers were at the Unit with their little ones and the question I kept asking was where are their fathers, whose babies are these? Mr. Speaker, I would like the gentlemen to note that if they are not ready to have babies, do not do what fathers do. They do so, then they should be responsible.
During my visit, I recommended that we establish a NICU Fund for individuals and corporate institutions to contribute to support the Unit. Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital has since launched the Fund. There will always be people who cannot pay for the service but the children must be helped. I call on honourable Members in this august House to support the NICU
Fund on this special Day. I plead that each member contributes an amount of one hundred thousand cedis (¢100,000.00) to the NICU Fund.
Let us continue to show that we care. Asalaamu alaikum.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.