Hon. Members, I have received communication from His Excellency, the President.
“May 15, 2006
Mr. Speaker,
Appointment of Ministers and Deputy Ministers
I hereby inform you that, in conformity with articles 78 (1), 79 (1) and 256 (1 & 2) of the Constitution of the Republic, I have nominated the following for the positions indicated against their names:
Mr. Francis Poku -- Minister of National Security
In fact, Ineed to congratulate my hon. Colleague, the Majority Leader for surviving the - [Laughter] - I think he has done very well and the fact that he survived shows that, at least His Excellency the President has recognized his record of performance in the House. Congratulations to my hon. Colleague. I hope those who have found themselves removed from under the canopy of the Executive Office will not be discouraged, they will still try to put up their best; that is life; one day, somehow, maybe, they could be like hon. Adjei-Darko, turn the tables and come back to office.
Mr. Speaker, I also welcome all hon. Members from recess. It has not been a time of rest. I rather think that it was a time of hard work where we had to, together with our constituents, try to understand better the system of multi- party governance and what Government is doing and not doing so that together we can be better informed to take decisions that will inure to the overall interest of the country.
Mr. Speaker, I also add my voice, as you have done, to welcome all hon. Members. It is important for hon. Members to recognize that we have a tall list and soon, Mr. Speaker will be signalling us with a long list of some new nominees that we have to look at and I can assure Ghanaians that we will be as critical as before to make sure that it is only good material that ascends to the high office of Ministers of State. So we will look at that seriously and also the Committees. Hon. Members would do well to let us get the reports on the pending matters before the House, especially the Whistle Blowers Bill and the Disability Bill, not forgetting the Domestic Violence Bill; I think it is of much interest to all of us.
But Mr. Speaker, let me just end up by once again, wholeheartedly welcoming hon. Inusah Fuseini who we all know as a
very young, vibrant and intelligent lawyer practising in Accra who decided to take up the mantle of leadership in Tamale Central. Mr. Speaker, we are sure that the next one, Nkoranza North will be soon and again we will go to take it back - [Uproar.] -- Mion is a foregone case; it is a “no-go” area. I can assure my hon. Colleagues opposite that Mion is not for them; we will trash them there.