The Headquarters of the Ministry has a total allocation of ¢182,892,000,000 as compared to last year's allocation of ¢32,976,361,000. As the table shows, the allocation includes a donor component of ¢126,543,000,000 which is part of the disbursement the two credit facilities approved by this honourable House in July this year for specified ICT services and infrastructural projects across the country.
The Committee observed that the allocation for P.E. had risen by 169.8 per cent over that of 2006 as a result of government's salary realignment policy. This will serve to improve the quality of the Ministry's human resource and thereby increase productivity by motivating staff.
8.1.1 Internally Generated Funds
The Committee was told that the Min i s t ry 's p ro jec ted r ece ip t o f ¢19,450,000,000 in 2006 was over- opt imist ic . This is because the commercialisation of the GMA, which was projected to yield about ¢9,000,000,000, was still at a teething stage and hence could not achieve the target. Upon discussions with the MOFEP therefore, a projected receipt of ¢3,356,000,000 is expected from GMA and KACE in 2007. Out of this amount, MoC is expected to retain ¢856,000,000 to be utilised as follows:
Administration -- 250,000,000
Service -- 350,000,000
Investment -- 256,000,000
8.1.2 HIPC Funds
The Committee noted that allocation from HIPC Funds to the Ministry has been increased to ¢20,000,000,000 from ¢15,000,000,000 in 2006. Again, the bulk of the allocation would be applied to the CIC projects to mainstream ICT knowledge and application in the country particularly in under-served communities.
8 . 1 . 3 Tr a n s f e r o f C e n t r a l Systems Development Unit (CSDU)
The Committee was informed that the transfer of the Central Systems Development Unit (CSDU) under the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MOFEP) will be effected in 2007. The transfer would strengthen the operations of GICTeD. The Committee noted that the budget for CSDU in the sum of ¢5,050,000,000 has been captured under MOFEP for approval hence this is not included in the budget of MoC.
2.2 Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT
The Committee noted that the Ghana- India Kofi Annan Centre has been provided with approximately ¢10,033,-000,000 for its operations in 2006. The Centre is intended to become self financing in the long run and therefore it is authorised to charge appropriate fees for its services. According to the Budget Statement for 2007 (Appendix 9, pg. 329), the Centre is projected to collect an amount of ¢2,500,000,000 in 2007 and this is expected to be lodged in the Consolidated Fund.
The Committee was told that the Centre was beginning to make impact on ICT capacity in the country. In view of high patronage of its programmes therefore, there is the need to expand training facilities at the Centre as well rehabilitate a structure acquired to house faculty members.
8.3 Ghana Meteorological Agency
The Ghana Meteorological Agency is a specialised scientific agency, whose objective is to ensure the provision of
reliable meteorological information to support socio-economic activities. The Committee noted that for its operations in 2007, GMA has been allocated an amount of twenty-four billion, five hundred and thirty-four million, cedis (¢24,534,000,000). This includes an allocation of four hundred and eighty million cedis (¢480,000,000) which they are expected to retain from their IGF.
The Committee noted that as part
of its commercialisation, a new salary structure based on job assessment has been proposed and forwarded to the appropriate authorities for consideration and possible implementation in 2007. The Committee was told that implementation of various approved strategies under the commercialisation programme will commence in 2007. A key part of this programme is revenue generation from the aviation industry.
8 . 4 P o s t a l a n d C o u r i e r Services Regulatory Commission
For its operations in 2007, PCSRC has been allocated an amount of ¢1,811,000,000. Quite a huge shortfall of ¢1,653,610,850 between the request by the Commission and the allocation was noted by the Committee. This would pose major challenges in the implementation of the Commission's activities under Adminis- tration and Investment.
9.0 Conclusion
In today's globalised world, an integrated ICT infrastructure is central to Ghana's poverty reduction and investment drive.
The Commit tee has care fu l ly considered the draft Annual Estimates and recommends that this honourable House approves the sum of two hundred and seven billion, six hundred and eighty- two million cedis (¢207,682,000,000) for the services of the Ministry of Commu- nications for the 2007 financial year.
Question proposed.