Mr. Speaker,
normally they do not have adequate funds for a project, that is the reason why we normally have to undertake certain projects in phases. I will not be able specifically to tell my hon. Colleague here as to when the final phase would be completed. But what I want to assure the hon. Member is that the reason why we at times seek foreign funding for projects is that the fund will be there, so that you can start and complete a project within a certain timeframe.
That is the reason why at times when we procure foreign funding for projects, we give ourselves or the project implementation period, maybe only two years and work would be done because there is no limitation regarding the release of funds for work done. But when it comes to Ghana Government projects, as and when the revenue comes in -- revenue inflow.
We are all aware that even when the Budget has been prepared, the allocation made in the Budget -- the revenues may not be flowing in at the pace that we anticipated so that there may be a slow- down in the release of funds from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning. So that is the reason why when a project is being undertaken by Ghana Government and we do not have the funding available immediately we do it in phases. So I will assure my hon.
Colleague that I will look for the status of implementation and then let him know when the final stage of this project will be completed.