Debates of 2 Jan 2009

PRAYERS 10:05 a.m.


Mr. Speaker 10:05 a.m.
Order! Order!
Hon Members, I am happy that we have once again heeded to the national cause by being present here this morning, in spite of other equally important assignments that are yet to be completed by some of you on the field.
We have come to conclude the outstanding business of the House prior to the dissolution of the Fourth Parliament of the Fourth Republic.
Hon Members, for sometime now, the political barometer in our dear country has been high as a result of a number of factors, the most apparent, being the inconclusive Presidential Elections. But whatever the people's decision may be, let us always place the national interest high and eschew tendencies that may derail the peace and national cohesion.
Hon Members, as the people's representatives, let us commence this short Meeting with our usual guiding principle of dialoguing and consensus- making in order to push the national agenda in the House. In this respect, I urge the Leadership of the caucuses to collaborate with me, to ensure the successful completion of all outstanding business of the House.
Hon Members, there are a number
Mr. Speaker 10:05 a.m.

of activities planned for the dissolution of Parliament and the ushering in of the Fifth Parliament of the Fourth Republic. I hope Leadership has apprised you of these activities and it is my expectation that hon. Members will participate in these monumental activities to ensure their success.

With these few words, I welcome hon. Members to the House and wish them god's guidance and good health.

Thank you.

Mr. Speaker 10:30 a.m.
Hon. Members, we have a number of Official Reports: Friday, 7th November, 2008. I understand all of them have already been distributed to hon. Members. Then we do also have Monday, 10th November 2008; Tuesday, 11th November, 2008; Wednesday, 12th November 2008; Thursday, 13th November, 2008; and Friday, 14th November 2008.

Hon. Members, at the Commencement of Public Business, item 4, closed Sitting of the House.

The House moved into Close Sitting at 10.17 a.m.

Sitting resumed.
Mr. Hackman Owusu-Agyemang 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I believe a lot of efforts might have been made by your Secretariat regarding this Sitting. But frankly, most hon. Members did not know that we will be sitting because when the agreed Sitting
day was postponed, we have not been duly notified. I had a few telephone calls and I tried to reach our Leadership but I could not reach anybody, and our hon. Deputy Chief Whip was in his constituency. So the next time that we are going to meet, the publicity should be heightened.
Mr. Speaker, I got to know only thirty minutes ago that the House was going to Sit when I finally managed to locate the Clerk and I rushed to come because I wanted to be here. I believe that if we have such issues to discuss, then adequate preparations ought to be made as soon as your directives have been given, so that we all would be here to discuss matters of importance to the State, especially at this critical time when we need all on board rather than a few fifty or so hands to come here.
So once the date for the proposed adjournment is known, then there must be a vigorous media campaign and announcement so that we get to know. I have been listening to the radio all the time and certainly, I believe something has to be done. Thank you.
Mr. John Tia 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move that this House do now adjourn till Monday 5th January, 2009.
Mr. Adusa Okerchire 10:30 a.m.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to second the motion.
Question put and motion agreed to.
ADJOURNMENT 10:30 a.m.