opportunity to add my voice to the Statement on the floor.
My name is Gabriel Kodwo Essilfie, Member for Shama Constituency.
Madam Speaker, while I associate myself with the Statement, I just want to caution the House to understand that the issue that is before us has to do with morality. And while we are considering the behaviour of our young ones on Valentine's Day, we have to understand that like the old adage goes “Charity begins at home”, these young people just do not take one day to get into amorous activities. It is what has been ingrained in them over the years from the behaviour of us the old ones. Because our society, our culture allows, like we say very liberally that you can take more than one, two, three, four or five wives.
So our children see us as parents, as uncles or whatever doing these things that they, based on their religious training, know are wrong and therefore, when this has been ingrained in them on Valentine's Day is when some of them want to show what they have got out there. So as far as I am concerned, the issue of promiscuity is something that we have to approach in a very holistic manner from our own culture, our behaviour and how we train our children.
Madam Speaker, I have lived in a system for 35 years, trained my four children and I can very honestly say that all my four children on Valentine's Day did not engage themselves in anything that was promiscuous because one, I led a life with their mother that that behaviour was meant only for the older ones and even if they had to give anything out, it will be a card to me, their mother, flowers and things like that and not getting involved in promiscuity.
So if we are talking about it then I want us to approach it not on the surface but go to the roots of the problem and try to educate the children just like the hon. Second Deputy Speaker said, to get the churches, the schools, the homes and all of us to educate them so that on Valentine's Day they would not like to go out there and try these things.
Thank you very much, Madam Speaker for giving me the opportunity.
Rev. (Dr.) Joses Asare-Akoto (NDC -- Asuogyaman): I thank you, Madam Speaker, for permitting me also to add my voice to what my hon. Colleagues have said.
Madam Speaker, this wonderful Statement that was made on the floor is very timely. Why am I saying this Madam Speaker? When we mention Valentine, we are talking about love. Love is good because God is love and I believe every one of us also knows how to love except satan. Love is an attitude or an attribute of God and more so the greatest one. God says, faith, hope, love but the greatest is love. Love is good. As I said, God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall have eternal life. That is the famous quotation in the Bible. It is good to love one and another.
Madam Speaker, even in your daily morning prayers, you pray that we as a nation, Ghanaians, should love one another. Therefore, in my view, there is nothing wrong with love. But, I mean a big “but”, when, how, who and what kind of love? Madam Speaker, I am saying this because this is what makes the difference. I am saying this because we have two types of love: the true love and the untrue
True love is from God which he has put in us from the foundation of this world, and the other type of love is untrue love which is satanic and I would term it also as lust.
Madam Speaker, there is a difference between true love and lust. I believe that we were talking about Valentine in our days. It is mostly celebrated by the youth and not by the older people; so Valentine has now become part of the youth. What we are seeing today is nothing but lust and this is a spirit that is displaying in the youth for lust. And this is what is leading to so many things, so many cankers in our nation today. HIV/AIDS, teenage pregnancy and other transmitted diseases which my Hon Colleagues have mentioned have also broken down the social fibre and bred immorality and indiscipline.
Madam Speaker, if you would permit me to carry on, in lust, there is wickedness. Also, lust breeds greed, selfishness leading into indiscipline, armed robbery, disrespect to parents and so many things.
Madam Speaker, what are some of these things that we can do as the Legislature? I am seeing as the foundation of this nation and the Bible says that if the foundation is destroyed what can the righteous do? Since charity begins at home, I believe it must first start from this House. Madam Speaker, I am saying this because I had an experience on my second day in Parliament, and if you may permit me, let me come out with it.
I was walking past down in the basement and there came a beautiful lady and who called me, “Honourable” and when I responded “yes”, she approached me and said she had certain medicines
As a matter of fact, I was set aback. I believe this House must be a House of lawmaking and not a house of, excuse me to say where promiscuity is being executed.
We must enact godly and moral laws -- I believe in our Constitution -- so that the nursery child can even begin to learn up to the university level, where the main law is as far as Valentine's Day is concerned. This, I believe should be enshrined in our national educational curriculum so that the children would be studying it constantly.
Madam Speaker, I thank you very much.