Madam Speaker, while we are correcting procedures and seem to be doing what is right, with respect, I noticed that when we commenced business, you also came by a Statement to welcome Members back. I believe that it was in conformity with Standing Order 53 (1). Madam Speaker, but indeed, the resort ought to have been to Standing Order 53(1)(i), which says “Statements by Mr. Speaker”, or in this case, Madam Speaker, which you resorted to and which comes after the correction of Votes and Proceedings and Official Report.
Madam Speaker, in this case, with respect to your goodself, you did so before the Correction of Votes and Proceedings, that is Order 53(1)(e). I noticed though that Order 53 (2) allows this House, by your leave to alter the order of business set out in any particular day. Madam Speaker, I accept that. Madam Speaker, if that is to be done, the indulgence of the House should be sought and I thought that, that ought to have been done. But Madam Speaker, we are all learning and so I believe that we shall have space for what was done today and move on.