Hon Member, I
am going to rule. I will not take any more arguments.
Hon Members, I am completely lost
now as to what to rule on. A lot of issues have been raised. The first was whether the Hon Minister could come here without notice to Parliament. I thought I was going to rule on that one. And a lot of other things -- whether the Speaker is the same as Parliament. Whether all correspon-dence to the Speaker must come to Parliament and who rules here. So I really, really do not know what to rule on, because I see so many issues and I think it is the first one I will rule on.
But before I go there, I will say that, yes, in the court of law, it is the Supreme Court which will interpret the Constitution. Here, it is the Speaker who after hearing arguments would interpret them. I think that should be clear and if anybody wants to go from here to the Supreme Court, it is another matter.
The objection that was raised, was that the President has not officially informed
Parliament and I think that brought about the various issues; whether whatever correspondence that is addressed to the Speaker must come to Parliament. I need to rule on that one because without that we will not know whether the President even informed anybody at all.
Before I do so, I have a letter which was copied to the Speaker, it was addressed to the Hon Minister but it was copied to me. And so I got information that he is now to take the responsibility of -- [Some Hon Members: Shame! Shame!] - Can I finish?
Hon Members, unless Hon Asiamah wants his Urgent Question to be postponed to another time, [Inte-rruption.] Let me finish making the ruling. Like I said, I did receive information that he has now taken responsibility but that was not addressed to me. It was a copy to me and that is why I think that it is not all correspondence which is addressed to the Speaker which must come here. [Hear! Hear!]
Where constitutional matters are involved, like article 59, about the President leaving the country, then even if it is addressed to the Speaker, it is for Parliament - [Hear! Hear!] -- and that is what the Constitution requires - but any other correspondence that is addressed to the Speaker does not necessarily come here. And If I may inform you that I was informed that he will be the Acting Minister for Youth and Sports.
I think we can carry on now. Can we
carry on now?