Mr. Speaker, I rise to support the motion numbered 8 and to make a contribution. I want to urge all Hon Members of this House to adopt the Report of the Finance Committee.
Mr. Speaker, my contribution will be very short and simple. First of all, we need to understand that this part of $525 million facility that the Government of
Ghana is contracting from the World Bank -- We have already looked at the first $300 million.
But we ought to know that because there is a ceiling of $450 billion per year to Ghana, once we access the $300 million, then the maximum this year that we can access on all World Bank projects will be $150 including this Transport Sector Programme.
What I suggest is that it is not likely that a lot of it will come this year. But Mr. Speaker, I want to urge the Hon Minister for Roads and Highways to while keeping this in mind remember that for effective implementation of these projects, the pre- implementation plans ought to be ready this year.
Unfortunately, there is a record of very slow implementation of transport projects and we have a lot of money locked up in the World Bank portfolio, currently, over $600 million, because of slow imple- mentation.
In particular, I am concerned about the issues that are surrounding the Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) Programme. We are aware that some people who are not completely informed about the projects, particularly the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU), because they have not been fairly educated about it, are already trying to raise issues with it. This particular programme has been in the planning for over two years.
It will be unfortunate that the stakeholders who are supposed to be benefiting from it are now clamouring against it. And as I indicated to the Hon Minister yesterday, for me in particular, this is one area that I would ask him to do -- and this is the Hon Minister for Roads
and Highways -- a lot of education so that this particular project can be executed successfully.
Mr. Speaker, it is good if we look at the components going to the transport sector. But let me go to page three of the Report; Mr. Speaker, coming from page two we are told that the Transport Sector Project (TSP) needs $4.8 billion and out of that, on page three it says, “the Government has secured funding for $2.4 billion”.
Mr. Speaker, it will be important to assure ourselves that this is in actual fact true. Because if we have not secured the $2.4 billion, then there would be some funding gaps and consequently, we will not be able to implement this project. So I hope the Hon Ministers of Finance and Economic Planning and Roads and Highways can assure this House of the sources of this $2.4 billion. This is because as one can see, we are only approving about $225 million. I am aware that other partners, particularly the European Union may be coming on board. But such statements, if found to be incorrect, can lead to severe funding gaps and hence serious implementation problems.
Mr. Speaker, the $50.5 million that is going to the feeder roads in all ten regions of the country, I hope the distribution will be done in such a way that it will not be political. [Interruptions.] I hope the Hon Minister is hearing me that all Ghanaians would benefit equally from these projects. The former Minister for Roads and Highways is sitting on my right hand side; that was the policy he was implementing and I hope his successor will continue with that implementation.
Mr. Speaker, having said that, in spite of this US$225 million, there is an urgency to source a lot more funding for the road
infrastructure programme. As you recall, last year, the Hon Minister brought some facility that we could not execute, but I want to urge the Hon Ministers for Finance and Economic Planning and Roads and Highways to move very quickly to secure more funding. This is because if the requirements are, as we are told, 4.8 billion, I am quite aware that we have not secured close to 1 billion. So we need to move very fast.
Mr. Speaker, with these few words, I want to urge all Hon Members of this House, particularly since the terms of the loan are quite favourable to the Government of Ghana -- I thank you for allowing me to contribute.
Question proposed.