Madam Speaker, thank you for the opportunity to make a Statement on the celebration of the 2010 edition of the National Festival of Arts and Culture (NAFAC 2010) in Tamale, from 20th to 27th November, 2010.
The theme of the Festival is “NAFAC -- Promoting Unity, Technology and Wealth Creation for a Better Ghana: The Role of the Youth in Nation Building.”
The National Planning Committee adopted this theme after a lengthy and extensive reflection on the situation in the host region, taking into account the need for peace and unity to prevail for the
promotion of the government's agenda on the Savannah Accelerated Development Programme for job creation for the youth in the three northern regions.
Madam Speaker, as you may be aware, the National Festival of Arts and Culture (NAFAC) is a biennial flagship to celebrate and showcase Ghana's unity in diversity through artistic and cultural manifestations and also promote excellence and creativity in the Arts for wealth creation and development.
NAFAC also presents an opportunity for the nation to examine its cultural heritage in the context of globalization, particularly, regarding adverse cultural influences permeating our society. It also affords us the opportunity to renew and consolidate our treasured cultural values and norms as far as our identity, progress and development are concerned.
Madam Speaker, since government adopted NAFAC in 1967 as a national cultural event, it has gone through various changes both in structure and content. I am happy to state that the process of change continues to enable the festival to withstand the test of time and also assume a national character to underscore the critical role our diverse cultural manifestations play in the development of our country.
Whereas in the past, NAFAC promoted the performing arts for the entertainment and delight of the general public, today, the focus is shifting towards development and job creation opportunities for the unemployed Ghanaian youth from the grass-roots level to promote the government's development agenda for a better Ghana.
To this end, Madam Speaker, all the Regional Co-ordinating Councils, Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies have been actively involved in planning and organizing the District
and regional festivals to select the best to represent the regions at the National Festival in Tamale.
Our preparations towards this year's festival started in earnest with the composition of a 25-member national planning committee and a 23-member regional planning committee, which were jointly commissioned during a colourful ceremony to officially launch the festival and unveil its logo on 7th April, 2010 in Tamale.
As I indicated earlier, the national planning committee, which is under my chairmanship, is to ensure a successful planning and organization of the festival. Likewise, the regional planning committee, which is also under the chairmanship of my colleague for the northern Region, is to oversee the implementation of the decisions of the national planning committee for a positive impact of the festival on the people --
Madam Speaker, the Ministry attaches great importance to this year's festival because of its development-oriented focus with emphasis on job creation and skills training opportunities to harness the country's vast economic endowments.
We are of the view that focusing on job creation and skills training opportunities in the creative arts is not only a step in the right direction but also in line with government's commitment to create the requisite environment and empower the citizenry, especially the youth, who constitute a higher percentage of the total population of Ghana, to realize their potential and actively participate in building a better Ghana for all --
Act iv i t i es of NAFAC 2010 include: Exhibitions on appropriate technologies, inventions and innovations and visual art.
Regional day celebrations to
showcase the natural peculiarities and economic endowments to boost investment and job creation opportunities.
Colloquium on selected topics in line with the theme of the festival.
Open Forum invo lv ing the communities and the general public to share ideas emanating from the theme to encourage grass-roots participation.
Women and ch i ld ren's day celebration.
Youth day ce leb ra t ion and performances by professional and amateur groups.
Madam Speaker, all Ministries, Departments and Agencies, as key sectors and drivers of development, as well as research and technological institutions and organizations have been identified as stakeholders of the festival to showcase the outcomes of their good policies and programmes that they are pursuing to build a better Ghana through a national exhibition.
As part of the regional day celebrations, each region is expected to mount an exhibition to showcase the artifacts, appropriate technologies, photographs of the natural peculiarities, economic endowments and exotic traditional dishes.
Madam Speaker, the overall best region, as well as groups and individuals will be awarded for innovations, inventions and good presentation, which clearly portray the natural peculiarities and economic endowments with opportunities for job creation.
Madam Speaker, in view of the fact that all key sectors and drivers of development have been invited to participate in the festival to stress the cultural linkages, I wish to propose the endorsement of the National Festival of Arts and Culture (NAFAC) as a biennial platform for