Madam Speaker, the programme of Government is to get water for all in 2025 and so, we are aware that the interventions we are making in Kumasi with regard to the rehabilitation and expansion works and the renewal of the transmission and distribution lines of both Owabi and Barekese is still not sufficient to meet the water demand of Kumasi and the other surrounding areas. So definitely, after this third phase of rehabilitation works, we have to come back to be able to do a bigger water project to respond to the Water demands of the people the area. That would be carried on later.
But as of now, the capacity that we have as a country, the resources available to us is to be able to develop what I have just stated. And as he rightly observed, when we finish with this one, it would take it at least, closer to the water demand, that is, 48 million gallons a day. And so that definitely, is what is ongoing. There are
much more stressed areas in the country than Kumasi. But that is not to say that Kumasi is not being responded to. But sometimes the cries of some of the children are louder than others and so we need to look at where we feel the pinch most.
But Kumasi being the second largest city of the country, and in fact, an industrial city, the water demand there is really growing at an alarming rate. So some of the estimates that we are even giving today, may become inapplicable with time, and so, we have to keep on revising.
But I would want to take - this opportunity to appeal to my Hon Colleagues to assist us reach out to our people to, at leash change some of our ways and assist us to be able to get water for all. Some of the water sources that we- are using now are under serious threats by our own activities; we are killing all our water sources. The rivers, the lakes, the ponds 4- we are killing all and these are the sources of water for use.
Apart from killing them, we are polluting them and the cost of treatment of the water now is so high that GWCL, together with Ghana Urban Water are struggling to meet the cost that is needed to provide potable water to our people.
So I would want to use this opportunity to call on my Hon Colleagues to reach out to our constituents to try to let us change our habits, some of our cultures, our ways of doing things, our attitude to what we refer to as "life", which is water,_ and that would be of much help to the Ghana Water Company Limited and the Ministry and the whole country at large.
Several Hon Members - rose -