Mr Speaker, I noticed that many people got up and they were alluding to the fact that they had been present in the House and yet they have been marked as absent.
Mr Speaker, you may recollect that the method of ensuring attendance, that is, recording attendance became a subject of serious disagreement in this House.
I believe we may have to come to some agreement about how to sort that one out and once we have that agreement, I believe this matter about “I was present yesterday but I was marked absent” so on and so forth becomes a thing of the past. So I believe we have to go back to that matter.
Beyond that, Mr Speaker, yesterday, I heard my Hon Colleague, the Member for Tafo make an intervention. I think we were all here in this Chamber; the intervention was in a coded language. I am not too sure that anybody attempted to decode the intervention made by the Member for Tafo -- [Interruptions.] My attention has been drawn to the fact that the correct name of the constituency is “Old Tafo” and not “Tafo”. So be it so recorded.
Mr Speaker, as I said, I got up this morning and I was bombarded by various radio stations that Parliament was threatening a boycott, which in my considered opinion, was not the matter transmitted in this House by my Hon Colleague, the Member for Old Tafo. So it appears there was a case of mis- reportage.
But Mr Speaker, I noticed that these are early days yet; we need to engage our brothers and sisters who constitute the Parliamentary Press Corps and I believe we can iron out these matters. These being the early hours of this Meeting, I will entreat that we find some space in time, the Hon Majority Leader and myself -- and I do not know whether we may have to involve the Speaker -- to engage the Press and discuss these matters when we do adjourn today. I believe we can correct whatever misinformation that might have been churned out, I believe, rather inadvertently.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.