Debates of 6 Jun 2013

PRAYERS 11:20 a.m.


  • [No correction was made to the Official Report of Thursday, 30th May, 2013.]
  • Mr Speaker 11:20 a.m.
    Hon Members, the Official Report of Tuesday, 4th June, 2013 for correction.
    Mr Solomon N. Boar 11:20 a.m.
    Mr Speaker, column 135, the third paragraph. It should read: “ . . . the Hon Member for Tatale/ Sanguli, in whose name the Statement is standing”, not “Zabzugu”.
    Mr Speaker 11:20 a.m.
    Very well.

    Hon Members, the Official Report of Tuesday, 4th June, 2013 as corrected, is hereby adopted as the true record of proceedings.

    Hon Members -- Statements. You may recall that yesterday, I called the Hon Member for Atiwa East to make a Statement, which touches on the environment but she was not immediately available. When the Statement on the World Environment Day was made yesterday, and even though I made consequential orders with regard to the Select Committee taking up the matter, I have closely looked at the Statement and taken note of the fact that it is constituency-specific.

    Since it touches the constituency which she represents, I thought that she should make the Statement but no Hon Member would make a comment on it. And since it also affects the issue of environment, in accordance with the directions that I gave, she can take the matter up with the Committee on Environment, Science and Technology. But it is important that if an Hon Member wants to raise a constituency concern, it is only fair to give the chance to that Member to do so.

    She would make the Statement but no comment would be made. This is because this matter of the environment, the pollution and all those things have been discussed. The Statement that was made yesterday was discussed -- but I would want to give the Hon Member the floor.
    STATEMENTS 11:20 a.m.

    Ms Abena Osei-Asare (NPP -- Atiwa East) 11:20 a.m.
    Mr Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity to make a Statement on the very urgent matter of salvaging what is left of the Birim River.
    The Birim River, as we all know, is a major tributary of the Pra River. The bed, basin and banks of the Birim River is the country's most important diamond producing area. In Atiwa, it weaves through Ankaase, Mampong, Anyinam, Accra Village, Muoso, Akrofo, Asunafo, Akwaboso, Asamangma, Ekorso, Amonum, Akakom and Abomoso.
    Mr Speaker, legend has it that we the people of Akyem emerged from beyond the depths of the Birim River. Not only does this imply our intrinsic identity with the Birim, but also that it is a source of life in more ways than one. The Birim River is the raw water source for four (4) Ghana Urban Water Limited (GUWL) treatment plants in Akyem Abuakwa, including Anyinam and serving the rest of Atiwa.
    Unfortunately, Mr Speaker, today, there is an excessive mining activity, much of it illegal, which is contributing to the heavy pollution and drying up of the river, therefore, making it extremely difficult -- in fact, almost impossible -- for the GUWL to supply good water to the people of Anyinam and surrounding towns.
    Not only has this situation raised the cost of water treatment more than threefold, it has also ensured that the “treated water,” if it is available at all, falls way below the World Health Organi- sation's approved standard for potable water.
    For many months now, the people of Anyinam and surrounding towns have had to rely on other unconventional sources of water. This is because the water treatment plant has been shut down due to the acidity and turbidity of the water from the Birim River. The river, apart from being heavily polluted, is also drying up due to the operations of miners who have focused their activities in the river bed itself.
    Mr Speaker, I understand the GUWL and all the other stakeholders involved are taking steps to ensure that the treatment plant starts working again. The more crucial question is, what are the State and the people in the various communities doing to protect the Birim River?
    In 2010, the Government promised to do all it could to ensure that we do not lose this vital resource. Since then, we have had the formation of the Birim River Restoration Technical Team under the guidance of the Okyenhene, Osagyefo Amotia Ofori- Panin, and with the support of the Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing who are making strenuous efforts to provide a long-term solution to restoring this water body. This is very laudable and I believe that soon they would provide us with a road map leading to a permanent solution.
    Also, as before, we have seen the security forces make occasional forays to arrest illegal miners along the river. These efforts by our security forces also ought to be commended. But, Mr Speaker, these occasional forays do not serve much purpose apart from having a few of the young men who are only dispensable employees of the real culprits, arrested.
    While the Government is seeking long- term measures to restore the river, what I propose could be done immediately, is the establishment of a permanent force
    Mr Speaker 11:30 a.m.
    Hon Member, that was not part of the Statement I have approved. [Laughter.]
    Hon Members, I refer the Statement to the Committee on Environment, Science and Technology.
    We have a second Statement for the day and it stands in the name of the Hon Member for Lawra.
    Importance of the Black Volta to irrigation in the Upper West Region
    Mr Samson Abu (NDC -- Lawra) 11:30 a.m.
    Thank you, Mr Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to make my maiden Statement on the floor of this august House about
    the need for Government to invest much more in the construction of irrigation dams and rehabilitation of old ones across the country, particularly in my constituency, Lawra.
    Mr Speaker, in the National Democratic Congress (NDC) 2012 Manifesto, the NDC Government intends to ensure food security and all-year-round farming in the country. Thus, I wish to urge Government to take a good look at the importance of the Black Volta, which runs through my constituency and its relevance to irrigation.
    Mr Speaker, Government intends to promote the efficient utilisation of existing irrigation facilities, especially in drought prone areas; rehabilitate viable irrigation infrastructure; develop appropriate and affordable irrigation schemes, dams, boreholes, and other water harvesting techniques for different categories of farmers and ecological zones; and the irrigation of 15,000 hectares of land under the Pwalugu multi-purpose hydroelectric schemes.
    Mr Speaker, it is against this backdrop, that I call on Government to take a serious look at the Kamba River, which takes its source from the Lambussie District. This dam, when developed well, will not only benefit Lambussie, but also communities such as Nandom, Lawra, and other parts of the Jirapa District.
    I am happy that the Government is looking at developing appropriate and affordable irrigation schemes. I also believe that if irrigation dams are dug in towns and villages along rivers such as the Black Volta, Government will save its coffers, as compared to constructing irrigation dams in serious drought-prone areas.
    Plans to construct the Kamba Dam were mooted since 1953, and yet successive governments have not had the political will to bring to fruition these plans. As I
    make this Statement on the floor of this august House, the Kamba River is not really put into good use.
    Mr Speaker, I believe successive governments were not able to invest in the construction of the Kamba Dam, because of its huge investment cost. Therefore, I would want to urge Government to look at existing rivers in the constituency, such as the Black Volta.
    Mr Speaker, communities such as Brifo, Gbeiri, Dikpe, Bagri and some other communities along the same river in the Nandom and Wa West Constituencies ought to be given serious consideration by Government.
    The production of vegetables, onions tomatoes and other vegetables should not be a problem in the three regions of the North as most communities share boundaries with the rivers, streams and the Black Volta and possibly the White Volta.
    I will therefore, propose that Government, through the intervention of the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA), invest in the rehabilitation of large irrigation dams in communities such as Duori, Dowine, Tumu, Boo, Eremon, Tukuu dams, et cetera to help give jobs to the youth of these communities.
    Mr Speaker, investing in the construction of irr igation dams in communities along the Black Volta, as I indicated earlier, will not cost Government's coffers that much, as compared to constructing dams in serious drought- communities. I wish to further suggest though, that communities in drought-prone areas equally need the intervention of irrigational dams to ensure all-year- round farming.
    Mr Speaker, my opinion is that, if Government invests much more in irrigation dams, the influx of youth from the North to the cities in search of non- existing jobs could be curbed. The youth will rather remain in the North and invest their energy or efforts in the production of vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, et cetera, for both local consumption and export.
    Inasmuch as Government decides to ensure food security in Ghana with irrigation farming, the old irrigation dams should be rehabilitated and a lot more new ones be dug, and our gallant farmers making more money during the dry season will certainly be guaranteed.
    Mr Speaker, in conclusion, I call on Government to energize SADA to live up to its responsibility in bringing a great relief to our gallant farmers in the country, by helping to create big but sustainable irrigation dams in the Upper West Region and the country at large.
    Thank you Mr Speaker for this opportunity.
    Mr Frank Annoh-Dompreh (NPP -- Nsawam-Adoagyiri) 11:40 a.m.
    Thank you very much, Mr Speaker, for your kind gesture.
    First of all, I would want to colloborate with the Hon Member who just made the Statement. As heart-warming as it is, it is a critical Statement, especially as it borders on --
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 11:40 a.m.
    Hon Member, sorry. Let me just make the point that on the Order Paper, the Committee on Members Holding Office of Profit is
    MrAnnoh-Dompreh 11:40 a.m.
    Mr Speaker, as important as that Statement is, I think it is important we deal with it on its merits and bring to the fore the right issues concerned in terms of irrigation in our country.
    I recall vividly, with reference to our late President Mills -- may his soul rest in peace -- in almost all of his Sessional Addresses, matters related to irrigation had been touched, particularly the Accra Plains has always been used as an example. It is sad to recall that up to this time, as I speak, the Accra Plains is getting bushy and there is nothing there to show for that.
    Let me take this opportunity to urge this present Government, that if, indeed, as a country, we would want to move ahead in halving poverty, we want to move ahead in producing enough for our citizenry to feed on, then matters related to irr igation and for that matter, agriculture, should be at the heart of Government's scheme of things, and that it should not just be Statements being made and they end there.
    Mr Speaker, in going further, it is also important that research centres as well as our universities build a very good collaboration with the relevant Ministries and departments. There are a thousand and one research findings that are getting dusty on our shelves on our university campuses as well as research centres. That expected collaboration between the
    research centres and the universities as well as departments and Ministries are non-existent and, it is important we focus on this and make sure that the findings are utilised.
    Again, our water bodies are going waste. We need to tap into these waters and use them appropriately in our bid to irrigate our arable lands and also ensure that we are able to produce enough food and salvage the problem of food security in this country.
    Mr Speaker, on that note, I would want to urge this Government, that the surest way to ensure that we solve our food security problem is the Government showing commitment, not just words, not just Statements, let the NDC Government back its words with action. This is because the Accra Plains is still bushy and we want to see signs of supporting irrigation system in this country.
    Mr Speaker, with these few words, I thank you very much.
    Mr Joe K. Gidisu (NDC --Central Tongu) 11:40 a.m.
    Mr Speaker, the Statement could not be made at a better time than this, more especially when the country over the past decades, dependent on rain-fed agri- culture, has been experiencing crop failures in most parts of the country.
    Mr Speaker, those of us from the country-side would attest to the fact that, except for dams constructed by the First Republic of the late Dr Kwame Nkrumah in very isolated corners of this country where one would have least expected very big dams to be constructed, there still, we find most of these dams that have been constructed since the first regime.
    The previous governments have all in one way or the other made manifesto promises, and the NDC is not an exception, and we have tried to carry the manifesto promises further. Mr Speaker, it is on
    record that a number of broken dams have been fixed and others have been desilted. But, Mr Speaker, a lot more has to be done.
    The Hon Member who made the Statement, incidentally, I know his district very, very well. I had my early childhood days there. Mr Speaker, it is worthy to note that one of the villages he mentioned, Dikpe, is now linked by one of the best feeder roads in the Upper West Region from Lawra to that town on the Black Volta.
    Mr Speaker, the idea of making that road was to promote vegetable farming as he rightly pointed out. [Interruption.] Yes, because it is a feeder road.
    I would want to say that when we say “Government” -- The Central Government cannot function effectively in putting across programmes of the type that we are talking about here. The decentralised arms of Government, that is, the District Assemblies, should take up a lot more interest in promoting small schemes of this nature. How much would it cost to buy a pumping machine to set up a small scale irrigation farm along some of these rivers?
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 11:40 a.m.
    Hon Joe Gidisu, I do not know how much it would cost -- [Laughter.] You asked how much it would cost, I do not know, Hon Member.
    Mr J. K. Gidisu 11:40 a.m.
    Mr Speaker, I have done a survey. A small pumping machine of the type that could be used in the communities -- I have bought some for some of my communities -- Is around GH¢500.00 to GH¢600.00. This is a situation that we can use, among small groups of about five farmers using one pump, and it would go a long way to take off before we think of a bigger Government
    intervention of the type that we are talking about.
    Colleague Hon Members could begin to use their part of the District Assemblies Common Fund to begin some of these schemes in their own small way, and as they grow the patronizers, that is, the people benefiting from them, that is, our constituents themselves, would catch up with the situation.
    So, Mr Speaker, as much as we talk about the Central Government taking up these initiatives, it is very, very much dependent on us also as stakeholders to see in which ever small way we can begin to make a dent on these challenges.
    But I do recognise the fact that irrigation is the sure way of putting behind us the perennial crop failures that we have which have affected the food stability in this country. I would want to call upon Hon Members of this House to take seriously, their own contributions and that of the District Assemblies in supporting the Central Government in achieving some of the strategies that we talk about here.
    Thank you, Mr Speaker.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 11:40 a.m.
    Thank you, Hon Joe Gidisu.
    Mr Edward Kaale-Ewola Dery -- rose
    -- 11:40 a.m.

    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 11:40 a.m.
    I thought I saw Hon AyokorBotchway on her feet. I thought I saw you getting up earlier? So, after this Hon Member, I will recognise you.
    Mr Edward Kaale-Ewola Dery (NDC - - Lambussie/Karni) 11:50 a.m.
    Mr Speaker, I beg to associate myself with the Statement made by the Hon Member of Parliament for Lawra.
    Mr Edward Kaale-Ewola Dery (NDC - - Lambussie/Karni) 11:50 a.m.

    In doing so, the Hon MP for Lawra's Statement is of paramount interest. I will crave your indulgence to occasionally refer to the points I have jotted down to support my contribution to this particular Statement.

    The relevance of the Kamba Scheme is still in doubt. This is because the Kamba Dam had been on the drawing board for quite some time. Mathematically, if I am right, from his Statement, 1953 to date is sixty years.

    The Black Volta and the Kamba Scheme, the last research and the reviews -- The consultancy work done was from 1982 to 1988 by an Israeli engineering company, Tahal.

    Mr Speaker, successive governments have not had the political will to see to this Kamba Scheme, that I can mention to you, was in three phases. We have the Phase A, B and C. It means that they are aware of the cost involved that is why it was categorized in this direction, so that the Government will be able to take the Dam up.

    Mr Speaker, as I speak to you, I will use a very small scenario to explain my situation. Lawra is one of the oldest districts in this country, if I am not mistaken. They celebrate a festival that is Kobine with the support of the Paramount Chief, Naa Karbo III. The Jirapa people celebrate Bongo with the support of the Paramount Chief, Naa Ansole II, former Inspector-General of Police, retired.

    The Nandom people celebrate Kakuhe, with the support of the Paramount Chief, Naa (Dr) Puo-ure Puobe Chireh VII and the Lambussie people celebrate Mefle Festival and the acting Paramount Chief's name is Naa Kuoro Dyaka Issaka Salifu.
    Mr Patrick Y. Boamah 11:50 a.m.
    On a point of order.
    Mr Speaker, a Statement was made on irrigation and I think where the Hon Member is driving the House to is misleading and misplaced. He is supposed to associate himself with the Statement that was so made on irrigation. He is talking about festivals, chiefs and Presidents -- We do not even know what he is trying to communicate to the whole House.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 11:50 a.m.
    Hon Member, I am sure you are familiar with the saying that there are many ways to kill a cat. [Laughter.] The man is going. I am confident that he will land at irrigation. [Laughter.] He is starting from chiefs, presidents, I know he will land there. Do not forget that he is Hon Dery. I have a soft spot for him.
    Hon Member, continue. You will land.
    Mr Dery 11:50 a.m.
    Thank you, Mr Speaker. I know my Hon good Friend succeeded in taking some minutes from me but that will not take away --
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 11:50 a.m.
    I have added the minutes for you.
    Mr Dery 11:50 a.m.
    God bless you.
    Mr Speaker, I early on, indicated that I am going to use this scenario to explain and that is exactly what I am doing.
    Mr Speaker, the Regional Ministers represent the President and they normally attend these festivals. I can tell you that the Kamba has been one of the key issues that the paramount chief will mention to any President or any Regional Minister that will attend any of these festivals. This means that they want the Kamba to be developed into dams.
    Mr Speaker, I am very glad this morning that the Statement has been made about Kamba and the Black Volta. The paramount chiefs, constantly remind Regional Ministers to get this to the President, so that they will come to their aid.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 11:50 a.m.
    Hon Member, I have been so kind to you. A minute ago, I was on your side, I was your advocate. Now, I have regretted doing that because Hon Member, you know the story about the student who went to the examination room wanting to answer a question about a rat and they asked him about a tree and he said: “Well, it may interest you to know that by a tree, is a rat.”
    At this juncture, I will ask what a rat is. So, this your President thing, it was a difficulty, but I brought it in and you are not supposed to bring Mr Speaker into debate. Now, you want to bring me into swearing in and so on. I think that part, you will expunge it and you proceed.
    I think I have to let you conclude because you concluded. Expunge that part.
    Mr Dery 11:50 a.m.
    Mr Speaker, the significance --
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 11:50 a.m.
    That part -- Mr Speaker should not be brought into the debate.
    Mr Dery 11:50 a.m.
    Mr Speaker, that part should be expunged.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 11:50 a.m.
    Which part is that, the rat or the President?
    Mr Dery 11:50 a.m.
    The swearing in of the President in your absence, if that is all right.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 11:50 a.m.
    All right.
    Mr Dery 11:50 a.m.
    The significant economic value of the Kamba River has so much
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 11:50 a.m.
    Hon Minority Leader, after listening carefully, can we have your take on it?
    Mr Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 11:50 a.m.
    Mr Speaker, my Hon Colleague on the floor just told this House about an event. He started by saying that “Unfortunately, you and I were not there”. But then, he then came to say that: “But fortunately, I was there”. I do not want to believe that this is a transpositional error [Laughter.]
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 11:50 a.m.
    I think that I am protecting the witness, so that we will move on.
    Mr Dery 11:50 a.m.
    Mr Speaker, the significant economic value of the Kamba and the Black Volta is of essence to the four communities I have mentioned. I am particularly happy about the manifesto
    -- 11:50 a.m.

    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 11:50 a.m.
    And I am also happy that, that is your last sentence. So, a full stop and then we will recognise another Hon Member. But end your sentence.
    Mr Dery 11:50 a.m.
    Mr Speaker, in conclusion, I will say that of page 36, the 2012 Manifesto of the NDC, specifically talked about the rehabilitation of dams and construction of new ones.
    Mr Speaker, the Statement made by the Lawra MP also indicated that the Kamba River takes its source (of water) from the Lambussie/Karni communities. Indeed, the Piina Dam was broken down in 2008; it has not been reconstructed. Kpare Dam was broken down in 2001 and it has not been reconstructed.
    Mr Secord Deputy Speaker 11:50 a.m.
    Thank you very much.
    Mr Dery 11:50 a.m.
    Mr Speaker, I will urge that the Government of the day --[Inter- ruption.]
    Mr Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu -- rose
    -- 11:50 a.m.

    Mr Secord Deputy Speaker 11:50 a.m.
    Yes, Hon Minority Leader.
    Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu noon
    On a point of order.
    Mr Dery noon
    Mr Speaker, a dam is broken down by natural force. One cannot say this person broke the dam by any means. It is a natural cause.
    In conclusion, Mr Speaker --
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker noon
    Hon Member, you cannot conclude a conclusion.
    Thank you.
    Ms Rosemund C. Abrah (NPP -- Weija/Gbawe) noon
    Mr Speaker, I beg to support the Statement made by the Hon Member for Lawra.
    The Statement that Ghana needs to invest, and I would add the word “heavily”, in irrigation dams -- is not something that is an overstatement. Ghana as an agricultural country, could have been boasting of several irrigation dams. I would like to extrapolate that the Statement be extended to other parts of the country.
    This is because Ghana is basically an agricultural country and the irrigation dams should not be restricted only to the Black Volta areas.
    Ghana has witnessed successive governments, as was observed by Hon Joe Gidisu. During the First Republic, Dr Nkrumah's time, irrigation and other things were used to support food production and the Ghana Food Distribution Corporation, cotton farms and whatnot. Other successive governments have also made several attempts.
    We used to have the block farming experiment, the “Youth in Agriculture”, the “Operation Feed Yourself” and all those things. One would ask, what happened to them? And a simple answer, is lack of effective irrigation.
    As an agricultural country, it is very ironic to see that most Ghanaian farmers just sit and wait for the natural rains before they are able to farm. You and I know the effect of the ozone layer on the rainfall pattern and the climatic change that we are now going through.
    Mr Speaker, therefore, I am calling on all governments and, indeed, all of us, who happen to be linked with agriculture and its production and productive activities, that we should take irrigation seriously, extend it even down South, not only in the upper areas, so that we can have small -- splinter irrigation farms that would help us get vegetables, food crops all round the area, so that we do not have to wait for seasonal crops.
    If we have simple, effective agricultural irrigation programmes, Ghana would have or would be able to produce what we take in and perhaps, what we cannot take in.
    Thank you very much, Mr Speaker.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker noon
    Hon Member, I just recall that there used to be a very effective irrigation project in your constituency, on the way to Cape Coast, on the left. I wonder whether it is still there or it has been taken over by residential accommodation.
    Ms Abrah noon
    Yes, Mr Speaker, those lands have now been turned into residential areas. From Tuba, right down to Kokrobite down there. In fact, they used to -- and they were even exporting green pepper on daily basis. But these have all been turned into residential areas.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker noon
    Hon Murtala Mohammed, who is still at the back-bench; I do not know why? Then the Hon Minority Leader would have a bite of a slice of the cherry, then Hon Majority Leader.
    Deputy Minister for Information and Media Relations (MP) (Mr Murtala M. Ibrahim): Mr Speaker, I beg to associate myself with the Statement ably made by
    my Hon Colleague on the issue of irrigation in the Lawra Constituency and invariably, the entire nation.
    Mr Speaker, I guess that this nation - - We are told that almost 60 per cent of the people of this country are engaged directly or indirectly in agriculture. The extent to which most of our farmers are engaged in subsistence farming has occasioned the challenges we have with regard to the food that we need to feed ourselves, let alone export.
    The extent to which we are blessed as a nation with several rivers but our inability to dam those rivers for irrigation purposes has actually affected this nation to a very large extent.
    Mr Speaker, the three northern regions, indeed, experienced only one rainy season, and I could not agree with my Hon mother that farmers wait for the rains to fall. And that when the rain falls, they engage in agricultural purposes and activities and during the off farm seasons, they have nothing doing and some of them can sit for about three four months before they can engage in agricultural activities.
    Mr Speaker, the exodus of young men and women from the northern part of the country to look for jobs that are not available in the southern part of this country, is done to a very large extent during the off farm season. This is because when they harvest and they have nothing doing, they certainly come gradually, so they would decide to move down South to look for job opportunities.
    Mr Speaker, they move down South with the objective of going back when the rain starts. Unfortunately, when they move down, less than 20 per cent of them would go back even when the rain starts. Clearly, if we dam these rivers, construct them for irrigation purposes, they may not even want to move down because they would engage in agricultural activities all year round.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker noon

    Mr Speaker, there are several communities in my constituency in which water is not just available but they have the opportunity to indeed, provide the needed rivers -- indeed, that would help them not only for water supply but for agricultural purposes.

    It is also important that when we live in a nation in which we spend millions of the United States (US) dollars in importing rice into this country, simply because we cannot produce the needed rice to feed our people, I think that it is a major concern that every single individual in this country, more so, Hon Members of the Legislature, attach so much concern to it.

    It is not for nothing that every successive government would add in the manifesto the attempt to provide irrigation purposes for agriculture, not only in northern Ghana but I believe in the entire nation. The simple question I ask myself and I ask all of us is that, why is it -- why is it that we have not been able to achieve the set objectives of our campaign promises and the manifestos that have been presented since 1992? I think that the challenges are there for us to confront.

    I would just urge that we need to walk the talk. We need to come out with policy interventions that would actually gear towards achieving those set objectives stated beautifully in our campaign promises and manifestos.

    Mr Speaker, it is also important that agriculture, unfortunately in this country, has become something for those who are unlettered or those who do not have formal education. I think that what some of us have read, because we did not see the “Operation Feed Yourself” was something that was catching to every single individual, be you a professor, be

    you an Hon Member of Parliament, be you a doctor, it was so appetizing that people were encouraged to engage in it
    -- noon

    Mr Second Deputy Speaker noon
    Hon Murtala Ibrahim, you did not see “Operation Feed Yourself”, did you?
    Mr M. M. Ibrahim noon
    On the face of the pink sheet, Mr Speaker, I -- [Laughter.]
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker noon
    You were not in existence at that time? [Laughter.]
    Hon Murtala Ibrahim, you said on the face of the pink sheet, you were not in existence at that time? But when I see you on television, I think that you came before Dr Nkrumah.
    Anyway, that is on the lighter side. Continue.
    Mr M. M. Ibrahim 12:10 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, I think that we are encouraged to read and read well.
    I think that it is important for us to begin asking ourselves questions as a people, what did we do wrong? I think that everybody in this country has now developed the interest or if you like, of eating foreign rice than the domestic rice that is produced, that we are told, is more nutritious than even the foreign rice.
    Now, can we even make that local rice attractive? I think that the Aveyime rice project was something that we needed to encourage and thank God that they are doing well and we are told today, that even when they take the r ice and package them in those Texas and other foreign rice packages, people are willing to patronize it. It means that there is someth ing we need to do about education to re-pysche --
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:10 p.m.
    Hon Member, what you just said is that they take the Aveyime rice and package it in Texas package -- I want to understand it properly because you are a Minister of Government. It is not a question of source as such but you cannot take our rice and package it in a Texas rice package or something. I want to understand it whether you mean it actually or you are talking figuratively; just for the records.
    Mr M. M. Ibrahim 12:10 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, I was just citing an example, that they take locally produced rice, repackage it in foreign -- I used the Texas just as an example of a foreign rice that we import into --
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:10 p.m.
    Hon Murtala, you cannot take our local rice and use somebody's branding that he has certain copy rights that he has registered as a trade mark and so on and present it as if it is your rice. I think what you mean is that they package it in the same manner in which Texas rice and other rice are packaged and not that they take it and package it in Texas rice or other rice packages?
    Mr M. M. Ibrahim 12:10 p.m.
    Precisely so, Mr Speaker. So, I think that it is important. So, we need to do something about the mindset of the Ghanaian people because if people have indeed, developed the desire to patronize foreign rice and then the interest in patronizing Ghanaian rice or even eating it is dwindling, then there is some work that ought to be done, and I think that the best way we can do that is through some educational processes.
    We are fortunate that we have several other Ministr ies that have the responsibility of encouraging people to develop that interest. I think that when we have a forum, if Parliament has an occasion, we should encourage the usage of Ghanaian rice and other foodstuffs that
    we engage in. But that notwithstanding Mr Speaker, we can achieve that if we are able to have all-year-round farming that people will have this irrigation, that one will provide job opportunities for young people and will also provide the needed food for the Ghanaian people to consume because that would have saved the nation several millions of dollars that we spend each year to import this foreign rice and other foodstuffs.
    With these, I associate myself with the Statement by my Colleague and urge that from now, all of us should ensure that those promises we make either in our manifestos or in our campaign promises, do not just become words but they are words that we will indeed, implement to the fullest.
    I know that between the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and this Government, to a very large extent, steps have been taken to ensure that the promises that were made in the 2012 Manifesto with regard to constructing these rivers for irrigation purposes are fulfilled.
    It is something that Government is working seriously on and we are optimistic that by the time we go in for the 2016 elections, this objective would have been achieved.
    Thank you, Mr Speaker.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:10 p.m.
    I think that the Minority Leader, if he has anything to say, will make his contribution and then the Majority Leader.
    But if I may just say that as they are speaking, they may take on board two issues, one issue is Burkina Faso is farther towards the Sahara than we are but they seem to be doing better than us.
    I can see the Minority Leader wants to address that and I can see that the Majority Leader is also interested in drip
    irrigation and the effect it has because we are talking about damming. But Minority Leader, unless you want to give up your turn and then after you, Majority Leader.
    Mr Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 12:10 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, the Ranking Member for the Agriculture Committee just came in and said that he heard that we were discussing this. I do not know whether you can create some space for him before I come in, otherwise, I could make my own contribution.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:10 p.m.
    Minority Leader, you and the Majority Leader are the Hon Members who are controlling affairs. I will create space for him. Then there is also the Hon Member of Parliament for Bortianor-Amanfro, who wants to also comment on the issue that I raised about irrigation because he says it is in his constituency also. I saw him signalling to me and he caught my eye. So, I will go to the Hon Member-- not Sofo Line- Kwadaso.
    Dr Owusu Afriyie Akoto (NPP -- Kwadaso) 12:10 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, I just rushed in to meet this Statement being made and I feel that I should not let the opportunity go without coming in to say a few words about the role that irrigation has to play in our agricultural development.
    Of course, it is very, very important that we build the infrastructure for irrigation in this country because less than two per cent of our cultivated area is irrigated. It is very low by global standards and it is important that we build this capacity in order to be less reliant on rainfall. Having said that, the major thrust of this Government's policy on irrigation has been the five thousand hectre pilot irrigation scheme in the Greater Accra
    Plains, which scheme has been in the budget for the last 5 years since this Government came, but up till today, Mr Speaker, we have not seen even an acre of irrigated land in the Accra Plains, never mind the northern part of this country which equally needs irrigation facilities.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:10 p.m.
    Hon Member, are you rising on a point of order?
    Mr A. Ibrahim 12:10 p.m.
    Rightly so, Mr Speaker.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:10 p.m.
    Mr A. Ibrahim 12:10 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, Order 91 -- the Hon Member is clearly misleading the House.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:10 p.m.
    Can you help us? In what way is he misleading the House?
    Mr A. Ibrahim 12:10 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, the Statement was clearly on the Kamba Irrigation Dam. He is a Ranking Member of the Committee on Agriculture, but he is talking about government policy, when the Statement is a constituency-specific one. So, I will expect the Ranking Member to swim within the Statement.
    Thank you very much.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:10 p.m.
    I think this is your maiden objection in your new role right at the front. So, I will not comment on it. I will congratulate you for making your view known -- I will take two more objections from you today -- [Laughter.] You have made one, it is left with two.
    Hon Member, continue.
    Dr Akoto 12:10 p.m.
    I am glad, Mr Speaker, that you have intervened the way you have because of course, irrigation is a public good. In economics, we call it a public good and only governments can come in to bear the huge investments that are required. All over the world, that is what is done. In fact, in India, if he cares to know, electricity for irrigation is free of charge to farmers, which is not the case in this country. So, we need to get our standards to the global level, so that we can uplift our agriculture.
    Whether it is constituency-based, regional-based or whatever based, it is still in Ghana and it is the responsibility of the Government to ensure that we have enough facility. So, if Government promises in its budgets and makes allocation every year and we do not see light at the end of the tunnel, of course, it is our right as Parliament to draw Government's attention to it.
    I think that on this note, I will end my intervention.
    Thank you, Mr Speaker.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:10 p.m.
    Thank you very much Hon Member.
    Mr Bright E. K. Demordzi (NDC -- Bortianor-Ngleshie Amanfro) 12:20 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity.
    Honestly, the Weija Irrigation Project still exists and there are farmers on that project working as I speak. So, the project is working and the Government has even acquired a loan from Spain to rehabilitate the project at the Weija Irrigation Project and that project is in Bortianor/Ngleshie Amanfro Constituency, not Weija Constituency --
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:20 p.m.
    That is your contribution?
    Mr Demordzi 12:20 p.m.
    No, that is my comment; the first comment with regard to what you said. But I would want to also contribute to the Statement.
    Minority Leader (Mr Osei Kyei- Mensah-Bonsu) 12:20 p.m.
    Thank you, Mr Speaker for this opportunity to add my voice to the Statement on the need to refocus on irrigation, ably made by our Colleague from Lawra.
    Mr Speaker, as has been alluded to, it is only about 1.6 per cent of cultivated land in Ghana that is under some sort of irrigation. Unfortunately, many of the irrigation facilities have broken down and so, if you talk about the land under irrigation, you are really talking about land between 1 and 1.2 per cent of cultivated land in Ghana and that cannot be good for us.
    Mr Speaker, we, as a nation, for a long time, have been talking about the need to have food security and irrigation facilities certainly are one resort that could help the nation attain food security. Mr Speaker, the irrigation facilities, certainly, would help us grow more crops, particularly in the northern regions where they have effectively one rainy season. We could have more than one rainy season, so to speak, if we resort to the mechanism of irrigating our crops. That, definitely, would also engender the introduction of --
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:20 p.m.
    Hon Minority Leader, with respect, you said we could have more than one rainy season if we irrigate our crops; you are speaking figuratively, metaphorically?
    Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 12:20 p.m.
    Absolutely Mr Speaker. This is because when we have a rainy season, we are looking at the period when natural rainfall occurs. This
    would be so, so to speak. But then we would have recourse to the use of water to apply to crops that would have been planted. That was why I said, in that context, we would be having more than one rainy season.
    Mr Speaker, as I said, it would engender the introduction of mixed cropping and the farmers will have greater variety in crops cultivated. So, it is important for even the sustenance of the livelihood of the farmers. We will have greater lands brought under cultivation if we resort to irrigation.
    Mr Speaker, all of us have been speaking about the provision of raw materials to provide the fundamentals or foundation for a giant industrial take-off in this country. Under President Nkrumah, the nation attempted to industrialise. Many of these industr ies collapsed because we did not have the raw materials to feed these them. That was how come Nkrumah introduced irrigation farming to help provide raw materials to the industries that had been established.
    Unfortunately, many of them collapsed not too long after the facilities had been constructed because at the time, we did not have enough technical knowledge to service these facilities that had been provided. Mr Speaker, certainly, if we are able to have cultivated land expanded, we certainly will provide employment for our teeming youth.
    Again, agriculture would become more scientific and more productive and as I said, if it is more scientific and more productive, it will attract the youth, especially those of them coming from the universities and polytechnics to go into serious agriculture. This is because for now, at least, agriculture is considered the business or the activity of the aged and it is very unattractive. But if you add this dimension to it, certainly, Mr Speaker, it will take us to greater heights, not to talk
    about the positive reversal of climatic change that the serious introduction of irrigation farming would bring to bear on our environment.
    Mr Speaker, you mentioned what has been happening in Burkina Faso, which we have been lamenting all this while, that immediately one crosses the border at Paga and enters Burkina Faso, you hit a forest reserve. There is a forest reserve on the way to Ouagadougou. But between Tamale and Bolgatanga and indeed Paga, the land cannot even be described seriously as savannah. It is just shrub; it is shrub and the few trees have been cut for the making of charcoal.
    Mr Speaker, this cannot be coun- tenanced any further because we are consciously introducing Sahelian conditions into Ghana. It is rainier in Ghana, north of Ghana than even the south of Burkina Faso, and the practical reality is moving from Paga to Burkina Faso, any stream that crosses the road or is it the other way round, is dammed at one side or the other of the road and they use them for mini irrigation. And so they grow onions, they grow tomatoes and Ghana, we have to move down south from Kumasi, from Techiman, from Accra to Burkina Faso to purchase their tomatoes.
    Mr Speaker, you cannot just understand what is going on. Whereas we allow our run-off to enter the major streams and then be ferried downwards into the sea, they dam every stream. They then impound the run-off and use it to irrigate their lands. Burkina Faso produces sugarcane and turns the sugarcane into sugar. It is rainier, far rainier in Ghana, at Asutsuare, at Komenda and yet we have to travel more than 1,500 kilometres up north to buy sugar from Burkina Faso.

    Burkina Faso does not import sugar; we do, in massive quantities. So, the Statement that has been made by our Colleague, is very commendable and I am told that if we are able to extend irrigation facilities to savannah conditions, it will help us grow long grain rice. The rice that we grow up north is short grain and so, when my Colleague said that there was an attempt to confuse the consumers by rebagging them into Texas packages—
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:30 p.m.
    Hon Minority Leader, he corrected it, that rather, the packaging has been improved, so that it is at par; we are not figuring to confuse. That point was clarified.
    Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 12:30 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, it is equally true that some people procure these bags, Texas Long Grain, and repackage our own rice into those bags. That is why I am saying that anybody with eyes, with good eyes, will see that the Texas rice is long grain, ours is short grain, but if we are able to extend irrigation--
    I am told that if you have a three-month period of providing water at the time of cultivation, we could equally do with long grains. So, we could have the long grain grown here, that brand grown here in our savannah conditions. Mr Speaker, that is the point that I am making. So, the irrigation, certainly, will add another dimension to rice cultivation in Ghana.
    Mr Speaker, I had the occasion to go to China. We travelled from Beijing for more than a thousand kilometres by train to the east of China, and on both sides of the rail tracks, they had serious irrigation and every part was green-- every part was green.
    The lands, as one could see, were not very big parcels-- about one acre, two acres to each farmer and everyone of them was tenuously farming as we passed by. We need to be very serious. From Accra
    -- 12:30 p.m.

    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:30 p.m.
    Hon Minority Leader, nothing is wrong with us.
    Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 12:30 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, we need to be more serious as a country in this effort.
    Thank you.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:30 p.m.
    Hon Minority Leader, nothing is wrong with us.
    Hon Majority Leader.
    Majority Leader (Dr Benjamin B. Kunbuor) 12:30 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to make a contribution to this all-important Statement on the Kamba Irrigation Project.
    Mr Speaker, under normal circum- stances, I will not take the precious time of the House in making a contribution, but I have been associated with this Kamba Irrigation Project at many, many levels. It is interesting to note that a Statement to this House on the Kamba Irrigation Project was made by me in the Third Parliament, and almost all the issues that have been raised by the Hon Member were raised then.
    The additional interest in the Kamba Irrigation Project is that throughout my youthful life, I was associated with it because that was a project my late father had worked on consistently from 1960 till he left the Irr igation Development Authority.
    Thirdly, Mr Speaker, I have also had the singular privilege of visiting a number of the nodal sites for the Kamba Irrigation Project, first in terms of the soil study that was done and more significantly, the socioeconomic study that was done by Professor Wayo Seini.
    What is significant about this project that I would want to put in context here remains a lot of scientifically unsubstantiated conclusions people have reached and that have affected the implementation of the Kamba Irrigation Project and I intend to draw attention and invite debate on this matter, that almost all the reasons that have been assigned for not implementing the project cannot be substantiated scientifically. Let me just take one.
    The policy has emerged that when you deal with large-scale dams, they become white elephants and that they can give examples of the Kariba Dam, they can give you examples of Tono, Vea and Botanga that have not lived up to their original objectives. And so, that justifies why we should not have another large-scale irrigation dam. Any scientific researcher knows that it is very difficult to claim that you can use a very specific project in one area and be able to draw conclusions, that if that project is located in another area, it will fail. And I would want to give a number of reasons that it is not so.
    First, if you look at both Vea and Tono and Botanga, they have not been able to find a particular soil series that sustains irr igation development and land development for agriculture purposes.
    I can say on authority and with actual knowledge that the Akuse series of soil, which is the highest grade of soil for irrigation, was actually identified during the soil studies of Kamba. And I will challenge anybody if he doubts that, and I can go and show him exactly where the
    pillar for which the Akuse series were found, are there. You never had any other irrigation project in the North where the Akuse soil series had been identified and that is the beginning of the viability of that project.
    The second reason that it cannot be true —
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:30 p.m.
    Hon Majority Leader, what is the “Akuse soil series”, if you could just —
    Dr Kunbuor 12:40 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, we those who have studied agriculture science do know clearly that when you are classifying soils, you have various names for actually classifying them. And if you come to the Ghanaian specific categorisation, the Akuse particular series of soil is one of the richest soils for agricultural activity and it was actually first identified in Akuse and the scientist assigned that name and it is called the Akuse series. Any agriculturist here can testify to that and I am sure even the land economist. So, that is the context in which the Akuse series of soil is very significant.
    The second point that I would want to raise is that, if you look at the socioeconomic impact of the Kamba Irrigation Project, carried out by Professor Wayo Seini, you would see clearly that there are a sharp agricultural culture practices between where the Botanga, Vea and then Tono dams have been sited, and that sociocultural agricultural practices make it very, very clear that you cannot just assume that if Vea did not work, then it means Tono will not work. And I think these are all engagements that we need to deal with.
    But there is something also very unique about the Kamba Irr igation
    Project. If you look at the cartographic maps of the Kamba Irrigation Project, you would see that it is the only dam facility that has the largest catchment area. In fact, Kamba is supposed to be a tributary of the Black Volta. Despite the fact that the Hon Member for Lawra has made this Statement, the real impact of that dam is in Lawra, Nandom, Lambussie-Karni and Jirapa. In fact, about 53 per cent of the land development of the Kamba Irrigation Project is in the Jirapa District.
    The water is going to be facing the Nandom and the Lawra Districts and because of the peculiar catchment area of that water in terms of its drainage, that would be a dam that would not stand alone but must have two major reservoirs, and each of those reservoirs that was designed by the Talala Construction Company would be as big as Vea Irrigation Project or the Tono Irrigation Project.
    So, we are actually talking of a very unique intervention in terms of agriculture and that is why we should not generalise the failures of large-scale irrigation dams and make that a basis for taking a decision whether the Kamba Irrigation Project should take place or not.
    Lastly, Mr Speaker, if you go and see almost all the designs, neither Vea, Tono or Botanga -- even Dawhenya and Afife -- ever had the potential infrastructure before those dams were constructed. If we take the land development area and the number of District Assemblies that the Kamba Irrigation Project would span, we already have educational infrastructure, we also already have health infrastructure, we already have marketing infrastructure, and we have almost all the other linkages that make an irrigation project viable.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:40 p.m.
    Thank you, Hon Majority Leader for the statement you made that we do not site development projects within our cultural practices. There is a chief, I would not mention his name, who thinks that the
    problem with our law is that it is not sited within our cultural context. But if we start debating that we may sleep here, but we do not want to do that.
    ANNOUNCEMENTS 12:40 p.m.

    Dr Kunbuor 12:40 p.m.
    Yes, Mr Speaker, I would want us to take the item on the Addendum Paper.
    Mr Speaker, today is a major Cabinet day and the Hon Minister for Finance has been held up so with your indulgence I would want to lay the Paper on behalf of the Finance Minister.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:40 p.m.
    Hon Members, have sufficient copies been distributed? All right, the Clerk says -- so Papers for presentation --
    PAPERS 12:50 p.m.

    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:50 p.m.
    Is there a problem, Hon Asiamah?
    Mr I. K. Asiamah 12:50 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, the Hon Leader was saying that there is a major Cabinet meeting ongoing and I am
    Dr Kunbuor 12:50 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, I have actually excused myself to attend to urgent matters in the House -- [Hear! Hear!]
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:50 p.m.
    Hon Minority Leader, you heard it?
    Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 12:50 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, I heard the Hon Majority Leader. He says he has actually excused himself. Mr Speaker, I think we are availing ourselves of other channels to address this matter, so, I would not want to proceed further on that. But what I do know is that, the official communication to us --
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:50 p.m.
    You said you did not want to proceed, yet you are still proceeding. I thought you said you did not want to proceed further, so you were going to stop there. So, so based on what you said, I also gagged Hon Asiamah. I am depending on you to empower me to gag Hon Asiamah.
    Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 12:50 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, I am frantically trying to restrain myself -- [Laughter] -- But it is a matter that we should look up and I think that this status quo should not be allowed to continue. I mean, as the Hon Leader, it should be in our collective interest as a House to see to his elevation. He cannot speak for himself; but it should be our collective interest to ensure that the proper thing is done. Mr Speaker, I will not --
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:50 p.m.
    Thank you.
    The Hon Majority Leader says he would not pass any comment.
    Dr Kunbuor 12:50 p.m.
    Yes, I actually was thinking that you were asking me to indicate the next Business of the House?
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:50 p.m.
    No, I should refer the Paper for the consideration of the House and then refer it to the Committee on Finance.
    The Paper is laid for the consideration of the House; it is referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and report.
    The next Business please --
    Dr Benjamin B. Kunbuor 12:50 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, in the absence of any item, I beg to move, that this House be adjourned to tomorrow, Friday, the 7th of June, 2013 at 10.00 a.m. in “the forenoon”.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:50 p.m.
    Any seconder?
    Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 12:50 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, I will dutifully second the Motion. But I think that it is important to observe that this Paper is being laid in this House today.
    Mr Speaker, you may recollect that, a couple of weeks ago, we related to this that they were outstanding and that Government must come to Parliament for us to consider these subsidiary agreements. An Hon Deputy Minister for Information descended heavily on me that these things have already been done and that what we have done was a complete waste of the time of the country. The good thing is that, it has been done at last and I think that Parliament would give consideration to these matters and do what is right.
    Mr Speaker, I thank you and I beg to second the Motion for adjournment.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:50 p.m.
    After the Motion has been moved and seconded-- Hon Osei, you want to say something? You want to second the seconder?
    Mr Isaac Osei 12:50 p.m.
    Yes, with due respect. Mr Speaker, I thought I heard the Hon Majority Leader say “10.00 a.m. in the forenoon”.
    Mr Isaac Osei 12:50 p.m.
    It sounded a bit strange to me since “a.m.” actually means “forenoon”.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:50 p.m.
    Respond, Hon Majority Leader.
    Dr Kunbuor 12:50 p.m.
    Thank you very much Mr Speaker.
    Mr Speaker, the Motion has been moved and seconded. I would want to listen to Mr Speaker's pleasure on this matter.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:50 p.m.
    Hon Minority Leader, I believe that this term -- I stand corrected -- “in the forenoon” or “so soon thereafter”-- it is a term of art? You know, when we move al l our Motions and so on, maybe, in the afternoon, and then we say “10 o'clock in the forenoon”-- when we are moving a Motion or “so soon thereafter”-- just to make sure--
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:50 p.m.
    But anyway, from what --
    Hon Minority Leader, you want to --
    Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 12:50 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, not a correction. I heard the Hon Majority Leader.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:50 p.m.
    What did he say?
    Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 12:50 p.m.
    That “10.00 a. m. in the forenoon”. But I thought that it was for the avoidance of doubt and I took it as such.
    Dr Kunbuor 12:50 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, I did not want to get involved in this debate, but one of the first lessons you learn as a lawyer --
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:50 p.m.
    Hon Majority Leader, get involved.
    Dr Kunbuor 12:50 p.m.
    Yes-- is that “tautology is a truism in law” -- [Laughter] -- And that is what he actually means by saying it is for the avoidance of doubt. What the grammarian will consider to be tautology is legally correct.
    Thank you.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:50 p.m.
    I think that if I do not bring this -- All right, Hon Minority Leader, for the benefit of all of us.
    Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu 12:50 p.m.
    Mr Speaker, when he says that “what grammarians may consider as tautology” -- yes; is correct. I will think that he would have said that “may be correct.” But it may not necessarily be correct. But Mr Speaker, we would not want to enter into any realm of litigation here.
    Mr Second Deputy Speaker 12:50 p.m.
    Where you are taking me, you are not only managing to -- they are now confusing all of us. So, I think that all of you are right rather than all of you are wrong. In fact, what the Hon Majority Leader is saying is that in law, that is the terminology that is used. It may not sound right but that is the terminology. But the Hon Minority Leader is also right -- maybe, we will use the word “may” -- we are not in a court of law, we are in Parliament.

    So, I will just, before putting the Question, say that, well, Hon Minority Leader, on your comment that you commented, on this thing and somebody is saying -- I think that you will agree that all is well that ends well?

    We thank God for that.
    ADJOURNMENT 12:50 p.m.

  • The House was accordingly adjourned at 1.00 p.m. till Friday, 7th June, 2013 at 10.00 a.m.