Mr Speaker, before seconding the Motion for adjournment, I would want to plead with Government to let us have Government Business transacted in this House very early in the course of this Meeting. As we are all aware, I think we have given some indication that because of the necessity to reconfigure the Chamber, Parliament may have to rise early next month, perhaps, not going beyond the 19th of July 2013, to enable the contractors have the required number of weeks to refurbish this Chamber.
Mr Speaker, that being the case, we would not want the situation where, entering July, Parliament becomes over saturated with activities that ought to have been done much earlier, and so, we
would plead with the Executive. This is because the far greater proportion of work that is transacted in this House is Government Business. So, we would entreat them to work expeditiously, especially on the Financial Bills that the Hon Minister for Finance spoke about, so that we would have time to deal with them before we adjourn.
The Hon Leader of Government Business is here. I believe he has been knocking on the doors of Government. The Hon Minister for Information and Media Relations is also here. I do not know him to be a “Minister of Mis- information”. He is the Minister for Information and Media Relations. He would communicate the sentiment of this House to the Presidency.
Mr Speaker, thankfully, we have one wise man here, so, he would relay the sentiments --