Mr Speaker, the Committee met yesterday, Thursday, 20 th February, 2014 and arranged Business of the House for the FifthWeek ending Friday, 28th February,
Mr Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order 56(2), the Committee accordingly submits its Report as follows:
Arrangement of Business
Mr Speaker, the Committee has programmed the following Ministers to respond to Questions asked of them during the week:
No. of Question(s)
i. Minister for Health -- 5
ii. Minister for Education -- 5
iii. Minister for Roads and Highways -- 5
Total number of Questions -- 15
Mr Speaker, in all, three (3) Ministers are expected to attend upon the House to respond to fifteen (15) Questions during the week.
The Questions are of the following types:
i. Written -- 1 ii. Oral -- 14
Statements Mr Speaker, in accordance with Order
70 (2), the Hon Minister for Gender,
Children and Social Protection has been scheduled to make a Statement on “The plight of head-porters (“Kayayei”) in the country” on Thursday, 27th February 2014.
Mr Speaker may also admit Statements to be made in the House by Hon Members in accordance with Order 72.
Bills, Papers and Reports
Mr Speaker, Bills may be presented to the House for First Reading and those of urgent nature may be taken through the various stages in one day in accordance with Order 119. Papers and committee reports may also be presented to the House.
Motions and Resolutions
Mr Speaker, Motions may be debated and their consequential Resolutions, if any, taken during the week.
Message on the State of the Nation
Mr Speaker, H.E. the President of the Republic is expected to deliver a Message on the State of the Nation on Tuesday, 25th February 2014, in accordance with article 67 of the Constitution. Hon Members are accordingly entreated to attend upon the House punctually for the event.
Debate on the Message on the State of the Nation
Mr Speaker, subject to the availability of copies of the State of the Nation Address, a Motion to thank H.E. the President for the Message would be moved on Thursday, 27th February 2012. Hon Members are therefore urged to participate actively in the debate after the Motion has been moved.
Mr Speaker, in order to ensure that as many Hon Members as possible make their contributions, the Business Committee has recommended the following time allocations:
(i) Mover of Motion -- 20 minutes
(ii) Seconder of Motion -- 20 minutes
(iii) Other Hon. Members--5 minutes each
Mr Speaker, the time allocations may however, be varied based on the exigencies of the state of business on each Sitting day.
Security and parking arrangements for hosting the President to present the Message on the State of the Nation
Mr Speaker, to help ensure security and order around the precincts of Parliament and to enable the smooth running of activities on the day of the presentation of the Message on the State of the Nation by the President of the Republic, Hon Members are kindly urged to adhere to arrangements made for parking of vehicles at the main car park reserved for Members of Parliament.
Statutory Funds
Mr Speaker, the Committee of the Whole is expected to meet on Wednesday, 26th February, 2014 to discuss the formulae for the Statutory Funds. The Motions on the formulae may be taken on Thursday, 27th February 2014.
The Business Committee, therefore, urges Hon Members to take note of the proposed date for the meeting of the Committee of the Whole and participate in the discussions accordingly.