Mr Speaker, just to
agree with the Hon Majority Leader and to indicate that the emphasis should be on “in contravention of this Act”, or if there was a specific clause in this Bill, which dealt with the subject matter of declaring it unlawful, then we could reference it.
Just to give you an example, if you read article 286 (2), it ends by saying, and Mr Speaker, I beg to quote.
“Failure to declare or knowingly making false declaration shall be a contravention of this Constitution and shall be dealt with in accordance with article 287 of this Constitu- tion”.
So, it means if within the provisions of the entire Bill there is a specific reference to a clause, we may go with that clause or we go with “in contravention of this Act.”
But Mr Speaker, I am still driving fur- ther my earlier argument and the Chairman vindicates me. If you just peruse clause 6 (2), which is on the Order Paper, page 3 -- Mr Speaker, look at how it begins (2),
“A person who acquires assets un- lawfully…”
So, I am saying that, his earlier rendi-
tion, with your leave, Mr Speaker, I would seek a further amendment. So, clause 6 should read -- “Any property or assets acquired --”