Mr Speaker, the agreement is that, the debate should commence tomorrow, hoping only that, we do not find genuine mistakes in the old one that led to the changes. This is because, the assurance we got from the Hon Deputy Minister is that, it is about pages. If there are no substantial mistakes and it is only the devil's advocate, we can continue tomorrow. If there are, then I am afraid that it might not be possible.
But Mr Speaker, as he said, we also agreed to hold a joint caucus meeting tomorrow to thrash out other issues which you all know affect what the President said because Mr Speaker, you were here. You know that for the past one week or more, this side of the House has been in Parliament working. When the Majority
side were having their primaries, understandably, they were on the field working during their primaries, trying to get themselves re-elected, we were here working for Parliament, passing Bills -- [Interruption.] Yes, I understand that is how Parliament should work.
When we the Minority side were having our primaries, the Majority side was working and when the Majority side was having their primaries, we the Minority side were working and that is how Parliament should work. We kept working and ordinarily, this is Government Business but we were doing it.
Then the President says, we are sleeping. Our people are very hurt; our constituents are very hurt. Meanwhile, we have been working all along. So, this issue should be addressed tomorrow in the joint caucus.