HonMembers, two interesting matters havebeen raised, the first about the mobilephones. I would just like to remind all ofus that Standing Order 88 -- and whenthese Standing Orders were made, I thinkmobile phones were not an issue; but itsays
“Members shall not readnewspapers or periodicals andbooks in the Chamber of theHouse.” When it comes to mobile phones, whatwe have noticed over past Sittings is thatpeople have used them as sources ofreference. They are not only phones, theyare virtual computers in our hands. Hon
Members refer to them, google things andthen use them for information, so, I donot know. I think we would think about all that.If, for example, what we had in front of uswas properly online then we could dothat. We would keep our phones outsideand when we come in we would relyentirely on our tablets in the Chamber. I am sure that the Standing OrdersCommittee would discuss all of these andcome out with the appropriate guidelines. Also, before we adjourn, on thequestion of the Motion that was moved, Iam not giving a ruling, but I would justmake my observation, that now it is after2.00 p.m., and Standing Order 40 (3) saysthat,
“Notwithstanding paragraph (2) ofthis Order, Mr Speaker may, havingregard to the state of business ofthe House direct that Sittings beheld outside the prescribed period”. That was done. The question is, whenthe Speaker so directs, is it the HonMembers from the Majority side and theMinority side who move that the Housebe adjourned, or it is the Speaker who thendirects that the House be adjourned? We have seen both styles in this House.Sometimes, we are told that “Mr Speaker,the House is in your hands, because it isafter 2.00 p.m”. Today, the little powerthat they have given to me, they havetaken it back from me. But I will resist. Please, let us look at Order 41 (4). Itsays,
“Where there has not been anextension of the Sitting, a Membermay at any time after the time statedfor closing move for theadjournment of the House”. So, where there has been an extensionof the Sitting, what happens?
The Speaker may move? Or the Speakertakes over? I do not know whether wewould like to debate this thing at 5.30 p.m.,but I am ready to stay here till 10.00 p.m. Hon Majority Leader?