Mr Speaker, thisclause has been dealt with strenuously atthe Committee level. The consensus isthat, we are here talking about disastermanagement. So, it is not for nothing thatthe subclause says; “in respect of an
important matter”. A quorum -- A greaternumber could be decided upon as thequorum. Mr Speaker, if you look at the membersof the Council, you would notice that itcovers a number of ministries. That is sobecause, when you are dealing withdisaster, sometimes, it becomes necessarythat certain key ministries are involved. Without the involvement of certain keyministries, depending on the nature of thedisaster, you might not be in the positionto manage the disaster effectively. It is fora good reason that that particular clauseis part of the Bill. If we shoot it down, wemight run into problems. Yesterday, I gave a typical example ofa disaster which is health related. If forexample, the quorum is eight and theMinistry of Health is not involved, youmight miss a lot of things in respect of theexpertise that that particular key ministrywould bring to bear on the deliberations.So, it is for these reasons that we take theclause as it is.