Thank you, Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker, the Committee met today,Tuesday, 11th October, 2016 and arrangedBusiness of the House for the First Weekending Friday, 14th October, 2016.
Mr Speaker, pursuant to StandingOrder 56 (1), the Committee accordinglysubmits its report as follows:
Arrangement of Business Question(s)
Mr Speaker, as Hon Members arealready aware, the Business Committeemet today to arrange business for today,Tuesday and for subsequent days of theweek. The Committee has not programmedMinisters of State to respond toQuestions during this week. Ministers would be programmedduring the subsequent weeks to respondto Questions.
Statements Mr Speaker, pursuant to Order 70 (2),Ministers of State may be permitted tomake Statements of Government policy.Your goodself may also admit Statementsto be made in the House by Hon Membersin accordance with Order 72.
Bills, Papers and Reports Mr Speaker, Bills may be presented tothe House for First Reading and those ofurgent nature may be taken through thevarious stages in one day in accordancewith Order 119. Papers and committee
reports may also be presented to theHouse. Motions and Resolutions
Mr Speaker, Motions may be debatedand their consequential Resolutions, ifany, taken during the week. Mr Speaker, the Business Committeewelcomes all Hon Members back from therecess. The House would be meeting fora brief period and then break for thegeneral elections. It is therefore expectedthat this period would be demanding forall Hon Members. It is hoped thatMembers have returned invigorated forthis exacting Meeting ahead of us.
Conclusion Mr Speaker, in accordance withStanding Order 160 (2) and subject toStanding Order 53, the Committee submitsto this Honourable House the order inwhich the Business of the House shall betaken during the week.
Tuesday, 11th October, 2016 Statements Presentation of Papers --
(a) Fire Precaution (Premises)(Amendment) Regulations, 2016. (b) Tobacco Control Regulations,2016.
(c) Customs Regulations, 2016. (d) Export-Import Bank CreditFacility Agreement between theGovernment of the Republic ofGhana and the EXIM Bank of