Mr Speaker, I believe thereality is that, this period is always achallenging period for the House. Anytimewe are getting close to elections, it isalways extremely difficult to getattendance in any appreciable numbers.We are facing the same challenge, and Iagree that the responsibility is more onthose of us who are in Government, but atthe same time, since it is a parliamentaryduty, it is not -- Since it is the duty of all Hon Membersof Parliament to transact parliamentarybusiness, which includes business at theconstituency, it is usually very difficultnow to balance the equation. You wouldrecall that when we are a bit distant fromelections, the focus is always onparliamentary business, but when we arecloser to elections, then the focus shiftsto the constituency business. Thatexplains what we see here. All the same, once we have decided tocome, Mr Speaker summoned all of us, itis our duty to be here for just these fewdays, then move unto the constituency. Iwould want to propose that we hold a jointcaucus meeting, then issue a statementto Hon Members. I believe that wouldhelp. I also acknowledge the fact that todayis Friday, and usually, Fridays are not verygood Sitting days for Hon Membersbecause of other compelling reasons.