Mr Speaker, as you guided us at the pre-Sitting meeting, it is necessary for the committees to work in order that we exercise diligent and proper oversight.
But Mr Speaker, we are concerned that for a good number of the Ministries, the Budget Estimates are still not ready and not available for scrutiny.
Mr Speaker, I understand that the Budget Estimates for the Ministries of Roads and Highways, Health, and that of Works and Housing, are not ready.
Mr Speaker, so, yes, we could break into committees to work, but they must bring what we need to work with, which are the Estimates of the various Ministries. I wish to remind them that we have only up to the 30 th March, 2017 for the approval, which was given in lieu of Appropriation to lapse. Therefore, we need to work as you have guided, to ensure that we are able to approve of the Appropriation on or about the 30th or 31st March, 2017, as the Hon Majority Leader stated the last time.
With this, we would be guided by you adjourning the House and the Leadership to ensure that, the Estimates of the Ministries are made available for the committees to work much more effectively.
Thank you.