Mr Speaker, I beg to move, that
WHEREAS by the provisions of article 174 (2) of the Constitution, Parliament is empowered to
confer power on any person or authority to waive or vary a tax imposed by an Act of Parliament;
The exercise of any power conferred on any person or authority to waive or vary a tax in favour of any person or authority is by the said provisions made subject to the prior approval of Parliament by resolution;
BY THE COMBINED operation of the provisions of section 150 (i) of the Customs Act 2015, (Act 891), the Export and Import Act, 1995 (Act 503), the Export Trade, Agricultural and Industrial Fund Act, 2013 (Act 872), the Value Added Tax Act, 2013 (Act 870), the Value Added Tax (Amend- ment) Act, 2015 (Act 890), the Value Added Tax (Amendment) Act, 2017 (Act 948) and other existing Laws and Regulations applicable to the collection of Customs duties and other taxes on the importation of goods into Ghana, the Minister for Finance may exempt any statutory corporation, institution or individual from the payment of duties and taxes otherwise payable under the said Laws and Regulations or waive or vary the requirement of such statutory corporation, institution or individual to pay such duties and taxes;
IN ACCORDANCE with the provisions of the Constitution and at the request of the Government of Ghana acting through the Minister res- ponsible for Finance, there has
been laid before Parliament a request by the Minister for Finance for the prior approval of Parliament the exercise by him of his power under the Laws and Regulations relating to the waiver of Import Duties, Import VAT, Import NHIL, ECOWAS Levy, EDAIF, Special Import Levy and other approved imposts including Inspection Fees as assessed amounting to the Ghana cedi equivalent of two million, two hundred and eighty- seven thousand, ninety-five euros (€2,287,095.00) on project equipment and materials for the implementation of the project agreement between the Ministry of Health and VAMED in respect of the design, construction, equipping and furnishing of five (5) Polyclinics in the Greater Accra Region (Phase IV) to be located in Adentan, Ashaiman, Bortianor, Oduman and Sege.
NOW THEREFORE, this Ho- nourable House hereby approves the exercise by the Minister responsible for Finance of the power granted to him by Parliament by Statute to waive such Import Duties, Import VAT, Import NHIL, ECOWAS Levy, EDAIF, Special Import Levy and other approved imposts including Inspection Fees as assessed amounting to the Ghana cedi equivalent of two million, two hundred and eighty-seven thousand, ninety-five euros (€2,287,095.00) on project equipment and materials for the implementation of the project agreement between the Ministry of Health and VAMED in respect of the design, construction, equipping and furnishing of five (5) Polyclinics in the Greater Accra Region (Phase IV)
to be located in Adentan, Ashai- man, Bortianor, Oduman and Sege.