nine hundred and sixty-six thousand and eighty-three United States dollars (US$26,966,083.00) on project materials and equipment to be procured for the Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Equipment in Technical Universities, Polytechnics and Technical and Vocational Training Centers under the Government Concessional Loan Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Ghana and the Export- Import Bank of China was laid in the House on Wednesday 3rd April, 2019 by the Hon Deputy Minister for Finance, Mr Kwaku Agyeman Kwarteng on behalf of the Minister responsible for Finance.
Pursuant to Order 169 of the Standing Orders of the House, the Request was referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and report.
The Committee met and considered the request with a Deputy Minister for Education, Hon Gifty Twum Ampofo, a Deputy Minister for Finance, Hon Kwaku Agyeman Kwarteng and a team of officials from the Ministries of Finance and Education and hereby presents this report to the House pursuant to Order 161(1) of the Standing Orders of the House.
In 2010, Government requested funding from the People's Republic of China to finance the rehabilitation and development of ten (10) Technical Institutions, five (5) Polytechnics and
the Technical Examinations Unit of the Ghana Education Service. The scope of work was later increased to thirteen (13) Technical Institutes and ten (10) Polytechnics/Technical Universities.
The proposed intervention is part of the on-going measures by the education sector to expand equitable access to and quality of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in response to overwhelming social demand.
The Project is designed to support Government's efforts within the context of the human capital development priorities and to resolve key development challenges of low quality skills produced by technical, vocational education and training sub- sector in the country.
The project objectives are aligned to Ghana's Development Strategy and the Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals referred to as “Education 2030” which emphasizes Skills Development and the enhancement of the competitiveness of goods and services produced in the country through improved production of human capital critical for growth and poverty reduction.
The project is further in tandem with the Education Sector Development Plan (ESDP) (2016- 2020) which emphasizes improving equitable access to and quality of
Project Objective
The Objective of the Project is to improve the employability of Ghanaian youth by providing them with the relevant skills and competencies required for self and formal employment. This is with the view not only to help reduce unemployment among the youth but to also help encourage indigenous entrepreneurship and further provide Ghanaian industries with the relevant manpower to make them globally competitive.
Total Waiver Requested
The total amount of taxes and duties for which waiver is being sought is the Ghana Cedi equivalent of twenty-six million, nine hundred and sixty-six thousand and eighty-three United States dollars (US$26,966,083.00).
Attachment: Please find attached as APPENDIX, the detailed assessment of the relevant taxes and duties.
Observations and Recommen- dations
Parliamentary Approval of Project
The Committee noted that Parliament at its Thirty-Sixth Sitting of the First Meeting held on Friday 23rd March, 2018, approved by Resolution the Government Con- cessional Loan Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Ghana and the Export-Import Bank of China for an amount not exceeding
seven hundred and fifty-four million Renminbi (RMB754,-000,000.00) [equivalent to one hundred and nineteen million, one hundred and one thousand, nine hundred and , forty- six United States dollars (US$119,101,946.00)] to finance the Rehabilitation and Up- Grading of Equipment in Technical Universities, Polytechnics and Technical and Vocational Training Centers.
Further to the above, Parliament at its Forty-Third Sitting of the Second Meeting held on Wednesday 25th July, 2018, approved by resolution the Contract Agreement between the Government of theRepublic of Ghana (Ministry of Education) and the AVIC International Holding Corporation of the People's Republic of China for the Ghana-China Project on the Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Equipment in Polytechnics and Technical Institutes (including Technical Universities/Polytechnics).
On that same 25th day of July, 2018, the Honourable House approved the Supplementary Contract Agreements Nos 1 & 2 between the Government of the Republic of Ghana (Ministry of Education) and the AVIC International Holding Corporation of the People's Republic of China for the implementation of the Project.
Need for Waiver
The Committee noted that as part of the Employer's Obligation for the Works, Clause 2.7 of the Agreement provides that “The Employer shall be responsible for customs clearance of the equipment and materials under this
Agreement for the Project as well as for payment of any taxes, duties and other levies relating to the importation of the equipment and materials under this Agreement for the Project.
It is further provided in clause 4.2.1 that “Any and all taxes and duties on the consideration of this Contract and all other presently or hereafter existing taxes and duties, which may be assessed or imposed in Ghana upon the Contractor or in the performance of the Agreement, shall be borne and paid by the Employer or fully reimbursed by the Employer”.
Consequently, it was explained to the Committee that the Government of Ghana is fully responsible for the component of the project financing cost covering taxes and other fiscal levies which may be imposed in the Republic of Ghana with respect to the supply and purchase of materials and equipment required for the execution of the project.
Benefits of the Project
The Committee observed that the project, when implemented, is expected to produce highly skilled human capital through:
i. Improved Teaching and Learning Environment in the beneficiary Public TVET institutions;
ii. Increased supply of high caliber TVET graduates;
iii. Increased participation levels at TVET; and
iv. Increased supply of high caliber TVET instructors.
The Committee is satisfied that the request is in consonance with the Contract Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Ghana (Ministry of Education) and the AVIC International Holding Corporation of the People's Republic of China for the Ghana-China Project on the Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Equipment in Polytechnics and Technical Institutes (including Technical Universities/Polytechnics).
The Committee, therefore, recom- mends to the House to adopt this report and approve by resolution, the request for waiver of Import Duties, Import VAT, GETFund Levy, Import NHIL, EXIM Levy, Special Import Levy amounting to the Ghana Cedi equivalent of twenty-six million, nine hundred and sixty-six thousand and eighty-three United States dollars (US$26,966,083.00) on Project materials and equipment to be procured for the Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Equipment in Technical Universities, Polytechnics and Technical and Vocational Training Centers under the Government Concessional Loan Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Ghana and the Export- Import Bank of China in accordance with article 174(2) of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.
Respectfully submitted.