Mr Speaker, the Hon Ras Mubarak wants to know whether Questions that were filed in the previous Meeting would not automatically migrate to this new Meeting. Mr Speaker that is not the practice.
The practice is that if an Hon Member files a Question and it is not Answered, and the Hon Member has interest, they give a signal to the Table Office and then, it would be followed through because some of them would have maybe become extinct for reasons of time. So, that is the practice.
Mr Speaker, the Hon Okudzeto wants to know what has become of the proposed Joint Caucus meeting that ought to have taken place this week.
Mr Speaker, the truth of the matter is that we proposed to have it last Wednesday. Unfortunately, the Hon Minority Leader was not around and when he entered the Chamber, he gave a signal that we should do it yesterday. It turned out that yesterday was so choked that we could not find space. I myself was so busy and he also had to attend some other meetings outside the precincts of Parliament.
So, at the Business Committee, we were looking for a date to do it. It does appear that when the Hon Minority Leader gets to Tamale over the weekend, it may be difficult for him to come back on Tuesday. Wednesday is Eid-ul-Fitr and I am not even too sure that he would be here on Thursday. So, we were struggling for space even though it is important for us to hold that meeting. So, just to give the signal that if we find sufficient
space, we may do it, perhaps, on Thursday, that is if the Hon Minority Leader is able to get back because it is important that he is present when the Joint Caucus meeting holds.
Mr Speaker, the other question that the Hon Member asked is about the fact that forty-eight (48) Questions have been advertised yet the Business Committee has programmed only two of them. And he requests that the Hon Majority Leader should increase the number of Questions.
Mr Speaker, I cannot increase the number of Questions. It would be for the Business Committee to do that. But the Business Committee can only act if the Questions have been admitted by Mr Speaker and they have been duly processed and transmitted to the various Hon Members and Ministries.
I am sure he was not here last week when the Table Officers at a meeting informed us that we had exhausted all those Questions that have been admitted by Mr Speaker in the previous Meeting, and they are dealing with new ones and they were about to process and transmit them to the Hon Ministers. It explains why we are only able to deal with only two Urgent Questions into next week.
If the Hon Ministers respond positively to those of them that have
been transmitted, we could make space for them.
You would realise that we dedicate Fridays to the Hon Minister for Roads and Highways. Nothing has been done for him because they have just been transmitted to him, so that is the situation.
Mr Speaker, the Hon Minority Leader raised an issue that happened at the Business Committee meeting. An Hon Member raised this issue about the need to bring the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission and the Governor of the Bank of Ghana to respond to us on some issues and I told them that I would have further consultations. It explains why we even had to delay the presentation of the Business Statement even though I spoke to the Table Officer who was with me, that we cannot do that.
Discussions that go on at the Business Committee level cannot find space on the Business Statement because the Business Committee does not generate its own agenda. That is why I said that we should have further engagement. Yes, the issues are very important and as a nation, we should know, but we should use the appropriate process, so that we do not truncate the process of