Thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr Speaker, yesterday, I was here when the Hon Minority Leader raised the issue that the document was referred to the Finance Committee only. The Majority Leader affirmed that it was supposed to be joined by the leadership of the two other Committees; Food, Agriculture and Cocoa Affairs and Mines and Energy.
Indeed, the Hon Chairman of the Finance Committee has just confirmed that for those two committees, the referral was for them to join the Finance Committee.
First, let us confirm whether the referral was indeed to the Finance Committee, and the leadership of Food, Agriculture and Cocoa Affairs and Mines and Energy Committees were asked to join.
Second, Mr Speaker, the Report is before us now and the House would discuss it. If anybody thinks that there is anything missing, if anybody wants anything to be added or if at the end of it, we are dissatisfied with the Committee's work, it is open to us to say that having read the Report, we think that, there are shortcomings, so it should be taken back because certain parts have not been adequately considered.
Mr Speaker, I think that it is not open to anybody to say that he or she refuses to participate in considering the Report, therefore, it cannot be a Report. I do not think we should encourage that. When a person is prevented, it is one thing; but when he or she voluntarily refuses to participate for whatever reason, it may be a good one. That should not be a reason for stalling the
Committee's work because somebody else refused to participate. Otherwise, I think that the Report is before us, if there is anything that should be added, we should do so. If there are things that were not adequately discussed, it is opened to us to say the Committee should go back and present the Report.
Mr Speaker, I think we have gone past the stage where we would talk about whom it was referred to. The records would reflect whom it went to. What we should do now is, to discuss whether the Report satisfies our requirements and whether it has been adequately discussed. If there are any shortcomings and we want them ratified, this is the stage to do it.