Mr Speaker, I beg to move, clause 17, subclause (1), delete and insert the following:
“After the appointment of an administrator, the directors shall, within seven days, submit to the administrator, financial state- ments in relation to the company, including
(a) statement of financial position;
(b) statement of compre- hensive income;
(c) statement of changes in equity;
(d) statement of cash flows; and
(e) description of significant accounting policies, and explanatory notes to the financial statement pre- pared in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards approved or adopted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants, or any other standards approved or adopted by the Institute.”
Mr Speaker, with your leave, I beg to move for a little amendment to this one. With respect to the preambular, I beg to move that it begins with
“the directors shall within seven days, after the appointment of an administrator, submit to the administrator, financial statements in relation to the company, including…”
The rest would then follow, instead of beginning with what we have on
the Order Paper which says: “After the appointment of an admini- strator…” I think that it should begin with the subject, which is “the directors.” It is more elegant and more appropriate.