Mr Speaker, thank you for this opportunity to make a Statement on the commemoration of world food safety day. The day is celebrated every 7th June of the year in commemoration of world food safety.
Mr Speaker, this year's celebration is themed “Food safety, everyone's business.” Indeed, food safety can aptly be described as everyone's business since we all consume food and are susceptible to any threat induced by its mishandling.
Mr Speaker, such a day is set aside to discuss the challenges and opportunities that come with the growing of food crops by farmers, the issues that arise vis-à-vis transportation, and the processes employed when it comes to storage and distribution.
Mr Speaker, the journey of food items from the farm to the family at home must be well orchestrated to
ensure that what we consume would give life as expected, and not ill-health as experienced when food is contaminated while travelling across the value chain.
Mr Speaker Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) two and three are all particular about the quality, quantity and availability of food and its correlation to good health and wellbeing. This means that agenda 2030 can only be possible with food safety issues well considered.
This year's commemoration of world food safety day in Ghana had the following objectives.
The first is to discuss food safety situation in our food business environment during the COVID-19 pandemic; secondly, to engage competent authorities, food operators and consumers in joint efforts to overcome the challenges facing food safety in the context of COVID-19; The third, is to develop follow-up actions containing recommendations and solutions to address the food safety issues identified, and lastly, to provide information, education and communication materials to consumers via all the social media channels and other traditional channels.
Mr Speaker, to achieve these objectives, the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) engaged the media; about fourteen different television and radio stations from 1st June to 8th June to create awareness and educate the public. Educational messages; four in English, three in Twi and one in the Ga language were developed and disseminated to five Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in the Greater Accra Region and all the regional offices of the FDA to be played in information vans at community centres, markets and lorry stations across the countries. Information graphs on food safety were also developed and circulated via FDA social media handles.
Mr Speaker, the commemoration was climaxed with the food safety video conference on Monday, 8th June, 2020. This conference, which was actually through zoom brought together two hundred and twenty-four participants, key stakeholders and experts in Ghana, some African countries and the European Union (EU) to share their views and perspectives on the theme; Food Safety Situation in our Food Business Environment during this COVID-19 Pandemic. Thus the objectives set out for this year's World Food Safety Day were successfully achieved.
Mr Speaker, in this era where we are being taught how to co-exist with the SARS COV 2 virus, it is absolutely crucial that we consume safe, nutritious and balanced diet in order to establish an immune system fit for the purpose, thus preventing disease and preserving good health. This is paramount since our survival in this era is largely dependent on our compliance to prescribed protocols as well as the robustness of our immune systems. Mr Speaker, we are what we eat and that is the reason why food safety should be everyone's business.
Mr Speaker, I conclude with inordinate appreciation to the FDA for their hard work at guaranteeing food safety in Ghana; the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO); Ministries of Health and Agriculture amongst other Ministries and agencies that have worked hard and actively continued to strive at ensuring food safety for the benefit of all.
Mr Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity.