Mr Speaker, thank you very much, once again, for
the opportunity to second the Motions moved by the Hon Chairman to approve a loan facility of US$74,120,000.00 and a commercial agreement of US$12,000,000.00 to procure armoured vehicles for our security services. In this case, we are referring to the Ghana Armed Forces.
Mr Speaker, as you rightly said, many of the issues border on our national security, so we need to know how to deal with those issues. We raised a lot of issues at the Committee level. We requested the unit costs among others; and some of the items cannot be shared in the public domain. However, clearly, as a House, at all times, we have to make sure that there is value for money for anything that we do for our dear nation.
We were told at the Committee that they would procure 8x8 armoured vehicles, 6x6 armoured vehicles and other ammunition to deal with our internal security. At the Committee, we asked them if these armoured vehicles would be used for peacekeeping operations. We were told that, as we spoke, they were procuring these armoured vehicles for our internal security against external attacks, terrorism among others.
When the need arises however, and either the United Nations or any other
body requires us to support any international peacekeeping operation, because these vehicles are fit for purpose, they can be used. So, in this case, we need to augment the fleet of vehicles we have for national security, so that they can also deal with our internal security as well as external attacks from other aggressors among others.
Mr Speaker, if you look at the course component that they gave us, as we said, there are certain things we cannot share in the public domain. So, as a Committee, the only thing we are praying for is that there should be value for money, so that we would know that we are spending so much and are getting so much for it as regards the amount of money we are spending to procure these armoured vehicles for our security personnel.
In terms of security issues, we cannot segregate New Patriotic Party (NPP) and National Democratic Congress (NDC) and say that I do not belong to this party or the other party. It affects our entire lives, so we need to take security matters very seriously. It does not mean that taking matters seriously, we would not ask for value for money. We need to ensure quality of the equipment that we are procuring and their ability to stand the
test of time, so that we can make sure that, going forward, even if we are going to procure another armoured vehicle or ammunition, we would know the stock that we have and can augment them.
It is not like we are just throwing money around, because we are taking loan facilities for this purpose. The insurance facility for even the US$74 million that we are taking is US$6,120,000. It is a very expensive facility that we are taking, so whatever we are getting from it must stand the test of time, so that God forbid, in case of any aggression, we would know that our men in uniform would be in a better position to protect our sovereign nation. Also, when we go to sleep, we know that there are people out there who would give us the needed protection that, as a sovereign State, we require from them.
Mr Speaker, we cannot joke with security issues. I support the Motion and call on other Hon Members to raise the critical issues. I thank God that the Minister for Defence is here and he would take all those issues on board. He even told us that we can look at the cost of those armoured vehicles in Switzerland to compare with what they are quoting to us and see if we are getting value for money.