Mr Speaker, I beg to move, clause 5, Fourth Schedule, clause 10, subclause (1), paragraph (c), delete and insert the following:
“…the President and the Vice- President of the Institute shall elect two of its members to hold office as President and Vice- President for the remainder of the term;”
Mr Speaker, usually, we try to avoid the use of the possessive pronoun “its”, so we could also make a further amendment of what is on the Order Paper.
Mr Speaker, I beg to move, Fourth Schedule, clause 10, subclause (1), paragraph (c), delete “of its members” and insert “members of the Institute”.
So it will read:
Hon Leader, if you read from the top, then you will understand. Paragraph (c) says that, because we had First Vice-President and Second Vice-President, if you read from clause 10(1)(c), it says:
“In the event of the resignation, disqualification from office or death of the President and the First Vice President, the Second Vice-President shall hold office as President and the Institute shall elect two of its members to hold office as First and Second Vice-President for the remainder of the term”.
So this whole rendition does not hold again, because we do not have the Second Vice-President and that is why we are deleting the whole thing and replacing it with what we have here, which has also been further amended.