Orders Committee, which is Chaired by the Hon Speaker himself. So, that settles it.
Mr Speaker, the other one is in respect to Standing Order 33 (1), and provides that the Clerk shall send to each Member a copy of the agenda for each Meeting, if possible, 14 days before the Meeting commences and shall whenever the circumstances require circulate a supplementary agenda.
Mr Speaker, as my Hon Colleague knows, close to 90 per cent of the Business that we transact in this House is from the Executive. As we know, technically, we do not have them in place which is what exercise we would want to begin next week - the approval process of the President's nominees. It is when they are in place, through the prior approval process that Parliament would subject them to, that, they working from their various Ministries would submit their own work schedule to us which then is what we compose into the agenda.
It is the reason at the beginning of the term of any Government, we cannot have the agenda submitted to Hon Members of Parliament 14 days
before the First Meeting or even the first few weeks into the Meeting until the Ministers are approved of. I guess by this, he is imposing on himself the obligation to fast track the approval process of the nominees.
Mr Speaker, the other one is a question about the seminar. This one is for the first timers. When would the continuing Hon Members also have their turn? Mr Speaker, it is imperative that we begin with the first timers because they have entered the House the first time, and we need to orient them. If we had adequate space, all of us would have been together.
Unfortunately, if we do not so, we would want to begin with them and then the ensuing weekend, the continuing Hon MPs, who have already been baptised and who only need confirmation, would be confirmed. That is if they are real believers. There are some who are not real believers so would not get baptised. Mr Speaker, that is the programme.
Dr Sandaare wanted to know who comes on Tuesday and Thursday. We would not segment attendance. We are imploring the IT Department to work to see if it is possible to have many of us operate from our offices then we shall have a skeletal representation in the Chamber.
As we know, the figures are getting a bit scary. Perhaps, it may become necessary because the tent is much more spacious, we may even move there. We must first assure ourselves of the strength of our IT system. If it is alright, then, not too many would be in the Chamber. So, we are working on that feverishly to see how it ends.
Mr Speaker, I believe that there are some that certainly, we would have to converge and transact business, especially with the vetting process of the Appointments Committee. We do not want to experience any hiccups so that we shall have a smooth flow of the conduct of the screening process.
Hon John Jinapor asked a question and does not want to have an answer to it, but he wants a virtual communication. Mr Speaker, he wants to know whether we would have some virtual presentations at the seminar. We intend for that to happen. Yesterday, we requested our IT staff to go ahead of time and inspect the facilities there so that all of us would not be at the conference room at the same time.
Perhaps, with the first meeting, the Rt Hon Speaker opening the conference, may require many of us
to be there. After that, depending on the strength of the system, all of us would not be at the centre. We would have an arrangement to accommodate virtual presentations and that would be the way forward. They have just reported back to us that what they have seen there can accommodate the virtual submissions. If that is the case, then, we shall submit ourselves to that.
Mr Speaker, if the other Hon Colleague who asked about the status of the Standing Orders listened to me, I related to the processes of handling it. We need to compose the Standing Orders Committee and then, once we have that in place, the technical committee's report would go to them and then, they would lead the House to adopt it after they themselves have convinced and persuaded themselves about the veracity of the report, and whether the observations that they made would be sufficient to lead us on to a better path.
Mr Speaker, the last Hon Member who spoke wants to know the mode of ferrying Hon MPs to Ada, and he said that going in a bus would not be good for the health of Hon Members. If Hon Members have their own means of transport, that would be the best. Unfortunately, many of the new ones do not have their own means of transport so I do not know who else