Mr Speaker, the first issue is about letting drivers and bodyguards submit themselves for vaccination. I think that it is a good suggestion, except that as we know that the allocation that we have is just about 2,000 for now.
The staff strength in Parliament is in the region of about 570 and the Members of Parliament are 275. What it means is that if we have MPs and their staff coming with their spouses, the space left for others will be eroded. Which is why we are asking these key players: Members of Parliament, staff and their spouses and as I related to the Police Service, the Ghana Fire Service Personnel and the research assistants to submit themselves-. That would exhaust the 2,000. Subsequently, the allocations that would be made will go to other people.
Mr Speaker, indeed, Hon Members of Parliament are allowed to cater for four of our children. We are not even including the children because of the limited number of vaccines that we have. When we have
adequate numbers, certainly, we will extend to these people including, in particular, the media personnel who are here with us. So, certainly, we would cater for all of them, except that realistically, the numbers that we have now is not up to the number within the precincts that we should be taken care of.
Mr Speaker, the Hon Member also asked a question about the qualification of research assistants. The Seventh Parliament stressed on second degrees, but then Hon Members came in to say that for the beginning we should allow that and then going forward, we then shall comply. That was the understanding.
Mr Speaker, I think we should be careful with this. Research assistants worth the sort certainly would have to have the requisite qualifications. If we are not careful, an Hon Member would, perhaps, insist that this is a very experienced person in the research department that he has known, even though he does not bear any degree or certificate, yet we let him bring the person because he knows him personally. That will be too much for us as a parliament. So, the eligibility qualification criteria has been set and I believe any of us going to our constituencies will certainly discover some one with the requisite qualification. So, I am not too sure I need to spend too much time on this.
Mr Speaker, the second Hon Colleague raised issues of the long Sitting of the House. I think we should all be concerned. I am not too sure that I agree with him whether he has conducted any research to say that the long Sitting hour of January, 6, 2021 caused an escalation of the disease in Parliament. Hon Colleague, I think that statement should not be coming from you when it is premised on any established fact. He is just mongering rumour and that should not be part of us. Notwithstanding, I think we should be careful and we should be serious with this.
Mr Speaker, I think I have answered the question that Hon Agbodza asked in respect of the press corps.
Mr Speaker, Hon Kofi Adams said we should consider including Monday, 8th March, 2021. Certainly, if by Sunday, we have not exhausted the vaccines, we may have to extend to Monday. If by Saturday, 6th March, 2021, we have been able to exhaust the 2,000, we cannot necessarily extend to Monday, but we would look at it to see if there are some outstanding, certainly, we may have to extend to Monday.
Mr Speaker, Hon Ablakwa asked about travelling to Ho same day after
the presentation of the Budget. As I indicated, the Budget would be presented in the morning and it is hoped that by two hours or latest one hour, we would be through with it. That should enable us latest by 3.00 p.m. or 4.00 p.m. to travel to Ho. If you have to stay overnight, to travel to Ho the following morning, you would get there already exhausted. It is better to travel in the evening and have some rest before the commencement of the business.
Mr Speaker, the second issue that he raised addressed that matter. Earlier in the week, when I presented the Business Statement for this week, I do not intend to go there, but just to restate the position. The Constitution does not place any education on any Minister. It says that the President shall cause the statement to be brought to Parliament. So, any Minister capable would have the charge to do it.
Mr Speaker, it is rather Order 140 which seems to suggest that it should be done by a Minister responsible for Finance and not the Minister for Finance. So, any Minister with the responsibility for Finance on that day, can do the presentation.
Mr Speaker, Hon Richard Acheampong asked a question about