Hon Members, sub
part two of our Standing Order is very
clear as to the procedure to adopt
when a complaint of contempt is
launched before the House. There are
even some instances that are detailed
out in the Standing Orders, and Hon
Members should take time to go
through them.
In the circumstances, I can only,
under Order 31, direct that the matter
be referred to the Committee of
Privileges. [Hear! Hear!] The
Committee will investigate the
complaints and it would submit a
report to the House for the full
consideration of the matter. At the end
of the day, it is the House that would
whether the complaint and the report
with whatever evidence gathered,
really constitutes contempt of
Parliament. So, it is a decision that
would be taken by the House, but we
must pass through the process.
I will be issuing a Statement in the
near future in what is happening to
Members of Parliament from both
Sides of the House. I receive
complaints and information about
how some personnel of the Police
Service pursue Members of
Parliaments from both Sides of the
House. I have on a number of
occasions intervened to talk to the
authorities and to draw their attention
to the law. Even sometimes, I have to
call the Attorney-General and
Minister for Justice in these matters.
So apart from this, I have decided to
come with a comprehensive
Statement on this matter, and let
people know that Members of
Parliament have some special rights
because of the peculiar nature of the
position, functions and the duties of
the Member of Parliament.
It is not during my tenure of office
that I will sit still, stare and allow
those things to be flouted with
impunity. It will not happen. [Hear!
Hear!] Let it be known that the power
of the people is stronger than the
people in power. [Hear! Hear!] The
matter is so referred.
Hon Members, we would move to
Presentation of Papers, that is at the
Commencement of Public Business - Item numbered 6(a)(i) by the Hon
Majority Leader and Minister for
Parliamentary Affairs.
Deputy Minority Whip (Mr
Ahmed Ibrahim): Mr Speaker, thank
you. Item numbered 6(a)(i), the Paper
is to be laid by the Majority Leader
and Minister for Parliamentary
Affairs. However, I just want your
guidance on that same item. It is
Annual Statement by the Audit
Committee of the Coastal
Development Authority for the year
2020. The Coastal Development
Authority's budget came under other Government obligations and it is
under the Ministry of Finance. The
overseeing committee on the
development authorities, at that time,
was of the view that looking at the
quantum of money going there, it
must be under the substantive
Minister for Local Government, Rural
Development and Decentralisation,
but it was not. The Budget was
presented by the Minister for Finance
and the Committee on Finance went
through it, the expenditures have been
made and the audit has also been
Mr Speaker, the Hon Majority
Leader is going to present the Annual
Statement by the Audit Committee,
but it would not help with the proper
oversight of this House. I believe that
with the Annual Statement by the
Costal Development Authority, if it is
not under the authority of the Hon
Minister for Local Government,
Decentralisation and Rural
Development, then the Minister for
Finance must lay that Annual
Statement or Audit Report for a better
oversight and scrutiny.
Mr Speaker, this is an Authority
that has awarded over 1,500 contracts.
The Hon Majority Leader has no
Committee under him. To do a proper
oversight and go to the project sites to
see for ourselves whether those
projects exist or not, the Hon Minister
for Parliamentary Affairs or the
Majority Leader cannot do that. So, if
this House wants to do
Ghanaians a favour, then we must let
the Minister for Finance lay it. The
Committee on Finance must go round
to juxtapose the fundings, the audit
queries and all those things with the
actual projects.
Mr Speaker, besides that, there is
also another Paper on that same
sector, which the Hon Majority
Leader is again expected to lay, and it
is on the National Service Scheme for
the year 2020. I believe that during the
time of the previous Administration,
the National Service Scheme came
under the Ministry of Education.
Therefore, if there is anybody in this
House to lay that Paper, then it should
be the Hon Minister in charge of
Mr Speaker, if we allow the Hon
Ministers for either the Ministry of
Finance or Education to lay the
Annual Statement of the National
Service Scheme, then scrutiny and
oversight from this House would not
be properly done, and we may not do
Ghanaians any favour. Therefore, I
would just want to seek your guidance
and in seeking your guidance, I would
want to add that if this House of the
Republic wants to do Ghanaians any
favour, then we must show concern
on where the moneys are being
channelled to and must do a follow
up. I am saying this because just last
week, the Committee on Education
was on nationwide monitoring and
they visited project sites. The same
thing happened with the Committees
on Health and Local Government,
Decentralisation and Rural
Mr Speaker, finally, even the
Annual Statement on the Ministry of
Inner-City and Zongo Development is
to be laid by the Hon Majority Leader.
Mr Speaker, we cannot overload the
Hon Majority Leader with all those on
funds. We created the fund, so, we
must oversight and investigate it.
Therefore, if we allow the Hon
Majority Leader to lay this Paper,
then we may not do Ghanaians any
favour. So, if the items are not
mistakenly loaded under the Hon
Majority Leader, then he cannot usurp
that territory or else he might be
treading on a very dark area, where
oversight would be in jeopardy.
Mr Speaker, I, therefore, would
need your guidance on this.
Thank you very much. [Hear!