Mr Speaker, when
the Hon Majority Chief Whip, who is
supposed to be championing the welfare
and holding the Minister for Finance to
task to ensure compliance, turned himself
into the chief defender, one could see the
way he was struggling to defend the
indefensible. I told him to give the
Minister for Finance a permanent seat
here, which was what I did when I was a
Majority Chief Whip. Mr Ambrose Dery
and other Hon Members would attest to
the fact that the Minister for Finance had
a permanent seat here.
I told Mr Seth Terkper that if he did not
come to run his business, it would suffer
on the Floor. So, when the Hon Minister
comes and he feels the heat, he listens
when we talk to him. However, when
they turn the Hon Minister into a tin god
who can only send people to this
honourable House to do his business, he
would not listen when we talk to him.
Mr Speaker, ask the Hon Majority Chief
Whip to find out what the requirements of
the law are. If he cares to know, when it
comes to the Health Insurance Authority
(NHIA), the law says that one month after
they collect the money, it should land into
the Fund, I am telling him on authority
that moneys that they collected even in
year 2021 have still not landed into the
Fund and the Hon Majority Chief Whip is
here trying to defend that they have
released something. If one is entitled to a
whole cow but they give the person the
tail, then they say “they have given the person something” — [laughter]. Let them give, at least, half of the cow; that
way they would know that they are
holding a substantial part of the cow.
My Hon Colleague and Majority Chief
Whip should know that when he turns his
back and is not seeing the Hon Members
on his Side — As for the Hon Members on the Minority Side, with the greatest of
respect, we are already lying on the floor,
so we are not afraid of falling. The reason
why when he turns to call the Hon
Members on his Side they are not here is
because of these things. They have seen
that the Minister for Finance is struggling
to fulfil the promises he made to God, but
he is not willing to fulfil the promises he
made to his fellow human beings. I would
tell you that, in Islam, God said that if one
does not learn to appreciate and thank
human beings for what they have done,
they could never thank God. So, the Hon
Minister cannot be fulfilling God's promise while leaving the human promises.
When it comes to the one that he claims
to have made to God, he is in a hurry to
release the moneys and he releases them
wa wa wa wa, to wit: in bulk. [laughter].
For lack of a better word, in the words of
Former President John Agyekum Kufuor
He can quickly release GH₵142 million, GH₵25 million or GH₵32 million, but when it comes to the ones
that the districts would use to operate, he
promised GH₵300 million but gives GH₵100 million. If we divide the
GH₵100 million by 261 districts, we would see that we are practically
suffocating the District Assemblies.
Mr Speaker, when we go to Ghana
Education Trust Fund (GETFund) we see
that people have toiled, taken bank loans
to run the projects but the money is not
being released for the GETFund
administrator to be able to pay. People are
virtually committing suicide, because
they have seen that the banks are about to
take the assets they used in guaranteeing
the loans. This is because moneys are not
being released to the GETFund.
When we go to the NHIS, people are not
able to pay for services. So, I beg the Hon
Majority Chief Whip that he and I are to
help Mr Speaker to get the House to run.
He knows that the issues of quorum that
are being raised are because of the
behaviour of the Hon Minister for
Finance. He is not releasing the required
resources to help the districts to run. So,
how does he sit here to say that we should
be assured? He talked about the goods
and services in Parliament, but when I
told him that they have not released any
amount of money, he said that they have
released GH₵7 million.
He should go and find out if that GH₵7 million can be used for any Committee
work. It has been locked up in the system.
Mr Speaker, while he is talking about
GH₵25 million, if he cares to know, the
Goods and Services of Parliament for the
whole year is GH₵200 million. We are in June, which means we are half way into
the year, and as we speak, the only
releases that have come to this House by
way of goods and services are GH₵7 million and GH₵17 million, making GH₵24 million, and he expects Parlia- ment to continue to run? Out of about
GH₵100 million, only GH₵24 million has been paid and he is proud to talk about
that. A quarter of that amount has been
paid; meanwhile, people provide services
to this House and they have to run on the
corridors of Mr Speaker and the Clerk to
get payment.
So, Hon Majority Chief Whip, I beg of
you to extend your whip to the Hon
Minister for Finance and make sure that
he does what is right. If he does what is
right, this headache would be gone and
we would be able to have peace to run
Government Business. So they should not
come and deceive us that towards the last
day, they would come with so many
finance Business and expect us to fast
track them.
Mr Speaker, I would want to urge the
Hon Majority Chief Whip and the Hon Minister for Finance, who is probably listening, that he is struggling and happy to fulfil God's promise. Some of the promises he made to us humans through the budget, are restricted by law, such as the National Health Insurance and the
District Assemblies' Common Fund. He is supposed to release these moneys.
Please, out of the GH₵2.4 billion or so,
they cannot even say GH₵300 million and be happy that they have released something. Please, by now they should have done about GH₵1 billion, then we would know that he is serious about what he claims he would do.
So, Mr Speaker, I agree with the Hon
Member for Banda, Mr Ahmed Ibrahim, that when it comes to the business of the Committee on Finance that is directly from the Ministry of Finance, unless it is a matter of life and death, this House should be a check on the Hon Minister for Finance by simply slowing down on such Businesses so that the Hon Minister for Finance will know that as he wastes time and slows down the releases, his business in this House would equally be slowed.
I thank you very much, Mr Speaker.