Mr. Speaker, I would want to suggest that we read those subclauses, the two in contention. Mr. Speaker, we are not talking about petroleum standards; my attention was just drawn to it. We are talking about standard of performance, which is different from talking about quality, and I thought that, we may have to allow this to remain. But when you come to regulating the handling of the petroleum products, I believe in that area, we may have to listen to what he is saying -- that is, handling by the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA).
But I am not too sure that we can create a situation where we have the GCAA at the airport, then we say that when we are handling fuel from the system into, say, the aircraft, then NPA must be there, I am not sure. So let us look at the two things that are being said, whilst I would plead with him not to call for change in the area of standards because it is not quality but performance, which is their area. In the case of the Civil Aviation, I think there
too, we may have to - You will then be compelled to have some Civil Aviation officers parading at the tarmac area, and I think it is ambiguous. So if we can come to this compromise, we may make progress, Mr. Speaker.