Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for this opportunity to add my voice to the Statement on the floor of the House.
Mr. Speaker, those who have left this world of ours have played their roles. Those who have taken their places are also playing their roles. Mr. Speaker, old people have been historians of this our country; old people have played the role of caretakers in many of our homes. It is sad to learn that in other countries, when people get old they are sent to what they call homes to be taken care of; and it is heart-warming to know that in African homes old people are taken care of by family members.
Mr. Speaker, when we pray for long life, we are praying to get older and older. So this is the advice that I would give to all people who call themselves young. If you listen to people when they talk these days, they make reference to the young generation -- “we are the young people; the owners of this country”, and so on and so forth.
People say that old-age starts at 40 but these days they are celebrating it from 60. So between 40 years and 60 years we doubt whether we are young or old. When we say the new generation are the owners of this country, all we are saying is that they should please serve the older people -- serve them well, show them respect, and give them the support so that when they leave this world they the younger generation can also take control of this world of ours.
Mr. Speaker, I take this opportunity to advise younger people to adhere to our customs, those aspects of our customs which teach us to show respect to older people, to support older people and to do whatever we can to support these people when they are no longer in the situation where they can help themselves and they need our help.
Also, there is this piece of advice, that we should make hay while the sun shines. This is the time younger people should save towards old-age. If you pray for long life as I have said, you will also go through whatever they are going through.
For the State, I wish to make this request. The traditional system is supporting old people but I think it is time we looked at a system where we could provide shelter for our old people, because things are changing. A time will come when younger generations and younger families may not be in a position to help old people even if they would like to. So there is this need for the State to come to the aid of old people by trying to put up accommodation, shelter, which can take care of these people when the time comes; because I know the time will definitely come where people cannot support the old people.
Mr. Speaker, we may also have, at this time, to start doing something about our insurance policies. Young people, people who are not too old, between 40 and 60 years who describe themselves as not being too old can go in for life insurance schemes -- enter those schemes and put something aside for old-age.
Mr. Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity and I congratulate the maker of the Statement.
Mr. C. S. Hodogbey (NDC -- North
Tongu): Mr. Speaker, the Statement on senior citizens is very important in the sense that every nation has become great as a result of young people turning to be aged. Our politicians, people who have contributed to the growth of this nation, the military men, the economists, the bankers, they all were very young and grew to the age where they are now called senior citizens.
In most countries special privileges are reserved for senior citizens. When they go to departmental stores, they are given special discounts. The government builds for them special homes which are called “Senior citizen's homes”.
On transportation, they are given special facilities to wheel them from their homes to places. In insurance they are given special discounts. In every aspect they are given some kind of recognition by the government. The question is: what is our Government doing to give some privileges to our senior citizens who have contributed so much to this country? Some of them when you see them, you will have sympathy for them.
We should build a system whereby -- as we are all sitting down here today as young people, we should remember that we shall all grow to become old. So the conditions that Parliament would set up today, if we do not enjoy today, our children who would grow up would come