i. Service -- 306,566,000,000.00
ii. Investment -- 1,226,263,000,000.00
TOTAL -- 1,532,829,000,000.00
5.3 Internally Generated Funds
i. Personal Emoluments
-- 726,000,000.00
ii. Administration
-- 360,000,000.00
iii. Service -- 3,820,000,000.00
iv. Investment -- 721,000,000.00
TOTAL 5,627,000,000.00
5.4 HIPC Funds Allocation
-- 160,000,000.00
5.5 Personal Emoluments
An amount of fifty-five billion, seven hundred and sixty-nine million cedis (¢55,769,000,000.00) being an amount of fifty-five billion and forty-three million cedis (¢55,043,000,000.00) from the Government of Ghana and seven hundred and twenty-six million cedis (¢726,000,000.00) as Internally Generated Fund components have been provided as personal emoluments for the staff of the Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing, its Departments and Agencies. This amount is to cater for Salaries, Contract Appointments, Daily rated expenses and Social Security
5.6 Administration
Concerning its administrative expenses, the Ministry has been allocated an amount of fifteen billion, three hundred and thirty- nine million cedis (¢15,339,000,000.00). This amount is made up of fourteen billion, nine hundred and seventy-nine million cedis (¢14,979,-000,000.00) from the Government of Ghana and three hundred and sixty million cedis (¢360,000,000.00) from Internally- Generated Funds.
The said amount is to be employed for the day-to-day business of the Ministry and institutions under its authority.
5.7 Service Activities
The Ministry has been allocated a total of three hundred and sixteen billion and seventy-four million cedis (¢316,074,- 000,000.00) with an amount of five billion, six hundred and eighty-eight million cedis (¢5,688,000,000.00) as Government of Ghana (GOG) component, a donor component of three hundred and six billion, five hundred and sixty-six million cedis (¢306,566,000,000.00) and an Internally Generated Component of three billion, eight hundred and twenty million cedis (¢3,820,000,000.00) for its Service activities. This is meant for the purchase of materials and consumables, training, stationery, printing, publications, travel and transport.
5.8 Investment
A total amount of one trillion, three hundred and twenty-two billion, three hundred and eighty-six million cedis (¢1,322,386,000,000.00) has been allocated for investments for the Ministry.
The amount comprises ninety-five billion, four hundred and two million
cedis (¢95,402,000,000.00) from the Government of Ghana funds, a Donor component of one trillion, two hundred and twenty-six billion, two hundred and sixty-three million cedis (¢1,226,263,000,000.00) and an Internally Generated Fund component of seven hundred and twenty-one million cedis (¢721,000,000.00). This would cater for vehicles, construction, drainage and hydrological works as well as facilitation of housing projects.
6.0 Observations
During its hearings, the Committee made a number of observations which it believes should be brought to the attention of the House.
6.1 Main Ministry
It was noted that the Ministry plans to allocate to the rural water sector an amount of six hundred billion cedis (¢600,000,000,000.00) while urban water receives more than five hundred and ten billion cedis (¢510,000,000,000.00) for the coming year.
The Committee also noted that access to potable water for rural communities in the country had increased from 46.4 per cent in 2003 to 58.5 per cent in 2006.
However, the Committee learnt that whereas countries in the subregion were allocating over 10 per cent of their budgetary allocations to the Water Sector annually, Ghana committed less than 5 per cent of its total budget.
The Committee learnt with delight that finally the long awaited National Housing Policy Document has been completed and pending Cabinet consideration and approval. It was noted that the policy would set the framework and standards
for the construction and delivery of decent, safe and affordable housing units as well as office buildings, other landed properties and the development of local building materials industry.
The Commit tee observed that the Ministry had changed its initial plans of selling the low-cost houses to individuals, and would now sell them to the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies.
It is noted that the proceeds or revenue accruing from the sales would be used to continue the construction of affordable houses throughout the country.
In the area of storm drainage and sanitation works, the Committee learnt that the Ministry has plans to undertake the construction of a number of storm water drainage and sanitation systems in all the regional capitals to improve on sanitation and ensure sustainable environment.
In order for the Korle Lagoon to serve as a tourist centre, the Committee was informed that work would soon begin with the redredging of the Korle Lagoon, desilting of the Odaw, as well as the three feeding canals, and relocation of Old Fadama (Sodom and Gomorrah) to a new site at Adjein Kotoku near Amasaman.
Concerning the Peduase Lodge, it was observed that work is almost completed but left with the installation of a telephone system, horticultural, lighting and security works as well as auxiliary work which will be completed by the first quarter of 2007. The Ministry was optimistic that the Lodge would be ready before Ghana's 50th Anniversary Celebration.
6.2 Ghana Water Company Limited
The Committee observed that concer- ning the Water Company, most of its projects that it began last year were still ongoing.