that contain “A” all promote good and healthy ways for the effective functioning of the body. In fact, raw carrots in salads, whole or grated and dressed with lemon juice strengthen children's teeth.
Again, one hundred grammes (about one medium-sized carrot) provide enough beta-carotene for the body to provide almost three times vitamin “A” needed daily by an adult.
Mr. Speaker, brain cancer, for instance, is treated with foods that contain increased vitamins, particularly “C” and “E” with elimination of cured and roasted meat, processed pork products and bacon as dwell as fried foods in one's diet. Again, stomach cancer is treated with a diet that contains foods of increased fruits particularly citrus and pineapple, vegetables, garlic and onion, whole grain bread, vegetable oil, etc. while at the same time reducing or eliminating cured meats and sausages, beer, salt-cured foods, eggs, sugar, saturated fats, among others.
Mr. Speaker, by way of example again, breast cancer is prevented by increasing the following classification of food:
Soy, tofu, soy milk;
Fruits, vegetables, especially carrots and spinach; Olive oil, garlic, yogurt and vitamin
Beta-Carotene, that is, “provitamin “A”, vitamin “E”, et cetera.
This of course runs effectively with
the reduction or elimination in the diet classification of red meat, processed pork (sausages, ham, etc.), eggs, milk, high fat cheese, fat, alcoholic beverages, chocolate and pastries, among others.
Finally, Mr. Speaker, there are also classified foods for treatment of the nervous system, the heart, the blood, arteries, digestive system, eyes, et cetera.
Mr. Speaker, without prejudice to the efficacy of both orthodox and traditional medicine, it is manifestly clear that the gap between cure and all manner of ailments is still very wide. In the event, there seems to be a need for a considerable paradigm shift from this orthodox and traditional medication to the food medication. This when done would ensure healthy people among the working class of people within the country to bring about increased productivity at workplaces that would in turn ensure socio-economic development of Ghana.
The Way Forward
Mr. Speaker, with the new educational reforms in place, as a policy, emphasis must be placed on food science as a discipline in the sciences at all levels of education, viz: from the basic to the tertiary levels, especially in the medical sciences.
Again, Mr. Speaker, the syllabuses of the Nurses Training Institutions must also cover food sciences extensively for healing which will enable the nurses educate the communities in which they will work on these foods for healing in addition to administering drugs for healing.
Finally, Mr. Speaker, the Non-Formal Education Division should also be made to disseminate information on foods for healing in their functional literacy programmes.
Mr. Speaker, a resort to food medication will be less expensive to administer; it will make our populations healthier and position us to be in tune with the Greek philosophical maxim: “May your food be your medicine and may your medicine be your food”.
Thank you, once again, Mr. Speaker.