x x v i . C l a u s e 9 4 - - amendment proposed -- para. 3, delete number “(2)”, insert number “(3)”; delete number “(3)”, substitute number “(4)” .
7.0 Recommendation and Conclusion
After careful examination of the provisions of the Bill and in accordance with the constitution and other relevant legislation and public documents, the Committee recommends to this honourable House to adopt this Report and pass the Electronic Transactions Bill, subject to the amendments proposed.
Question put and motion agreed to.
Nemine Contradicente.
The Electronic Transactions Bill was accordingly read a Second time.
National Information Technology Agency Bill
Minister for Communication (Dr.
Benjamin Aggrey-Ntim): Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, that the National Information Technology Agency Bill be now read a Second time.
Mr. Speaker, this National Information Technology Agency, is that body corporate with perpetual succession, a common seal and may sue and be sued in its corporate name. The Agency is allowed to acquire and hold movable and immovable property.
Mr. Speaker, the Agency is to promote the provision of quality information technology and standards of efficiency.
The functions of the Agency include the establishment and monitoring of
the implementation of the National Information Communicat ion and Technology Policy and the issue of licensing under the Act.
The Agency is to maintain a register of licences and deal with the application for licences and approvals given for equipment.
Mr. Speaker, other functions of the Agency include the formulation of strategy for the performance of the functions of the Agency, encouraging highest standards of propriety within the Agency, establishment of the policy and resource framework for the operations of the Agency and ensuring that policy directions given by the Minister are implemented.
Mr. Speaker, the governing body of the Agency is a Board of seven persons. It comprises the chairperson, a Director- general, a representative of the National Security Council, a person with expertise and experience in information communica- tion technology issues, and three other persons with knowledge and expertise in electronic engineering, law, economics, business or public administration.
Mr. Speaker, we are stipulating that at least, one of these officers mentioned above should be a woman and that means that it is the minimum number because out of the numbers mentioned, there could be additional women.
The Board members are to have a term
of four years each and are eligible for re- appointment. The Bill stipulates that the Board is to meet at least once every three months with a quorum of four members.
Mr. Speaker, these follow the same guidelines, as has been established for the National Communications Authority, except that here, we are dealing with very technical issues concerning the registration of domains and other things.
Mr. Speaker, in the same manner, we have allowed for a tribunal because in dealing with such measures you always enter into litigations.
We have said that in the initial stages, the Agency itself will set up internal mechanisms to resolve such issues if they arise, but failure to that, then this can go to a tribunal and this tribunal is set up in the same manner as the one established under the National Communications Authority.
So in essence, Mr. Speaker, this Agency is the one that is going to run the measures caught in the Electronic Transactions Bill, in the same manner as the National Communications Authority is the body that supervises the Electronic Communica-tions Bill.
Mr. Speaker, I beg to move.
Question proposed.
Chairman of the Committee (Mr.
Kojo Armah) : Mr. Speaker, I rise to support the motion so ably moved by the hon. Minister for Communications. In doing so, Mr. Speaker, I would beg your leave to read the Report of your Committee.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 The National Information Tech- nology Agency Bill was presented to the House and read for the First time in Parliament on the 4th of July, 2008. Mr. Speaker in accordance with article 106 (4) of the Constitution of the Republic of ghana, and Order 182 of the House, referred this Bill to the Select Committee on Communications for consideration and report.
1.2 The Committee met on the 14th July 2008 to consider the Bill. The hon. Minister, Dr. Benjamin
Aggrey-Ntim led the team from the Ministry of Communica-tions to assist the Committee in i ts deliberations. Officials from the Attorney- general's Department, National Com-munications Authority, ghana Internet Service Providers, the ghana Investment Fund for Telecom- munications and other stakeholders from the communications industry were also present.
2.0 Reference Documents
i. The 1992 Constitution of the Republic of ghana
ii. The National Communications Authority Act, 1996 (Act 524)
iii. The National Communications Authority Bill
iv. The Electronic Transactions Bill
v. The National Telecommunication
Policy, 2005
vi. The Standing Orders of the House.
3.0 Purpose of the Bill
The Bill seeks to establish the National Information Technology Agency to regulate information communication technology under the Electronic Transac- tions Bill, 2008, pursuant to the ghana ICT for Accelerated Development Policy.
4.0 Contents of the Bill
Clause 1 establishes the Agency which is a body corporate, with the usual attributes.
Clause 2 provides for the object of the Agency whose mandate is to regulate the provision of quality information communication technology and promote standards of efficiency.