It has an installed capacity of 3,600 m3/ day. However, due to deterioration of the system, daily production of water has currently shrunk to 900 m3/day resulting in acute water shortage in the area.
Konongo is a surface water scheme based on the abstraction of raw water from River Anunu. A weir and screened intake have been constructed across the river which provides storage for the nearby water treatment plant. The river is reported to dry up four months in a year from February to April. The current production by the system is about 1,338 m3/day.
The Kumawu water system supply on its part relied on the Ongwam River as its source of supply. Over the last decade, the river virtually dries up every year, making water supply very unreliable. The citizens are then compelled to look for water from whatever source is available with its
attendant health problems.
3.0 Purpose of the Loan
The purpose of the facility is to finance the implementation of the Kwahu, Konongo and Kumawu water supply projects.
4.0 Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions of the mixed credit facility are as follows:
Contract Amount US$120 Million
A. grant Amount US$5 million (4.2% of project cost) B. Loan Amount US$48 million (40% of project cost)
grace Period 5 years
Repayment Period 20 years
Maturity Period 25 years
Interest Rate 0.20 per cent
Management Fee 0.50 per cent
Commitment Fee 0.20 per cent
grant Element (A only) 58.53 per cent C. Loan Amount US$67 million (55.8% of project cost)
grace Period 3 years
Repayment Period 9 years
Maturity Period 11 years
Interest Rate Libor+0.5 (3.22+0.5=3.72 per cent)
Commitment Fee 0.25 per cent
Management Fee 0.50 per cent
grant Element (B only) 14.46 per cent Weighted grant Element (A, B and C) 35.68 per cent
5.0 Observations
The Committee observed that the weighted concessionality rate of 35.68 per cent meets the country's concessionlity policy of 35 per cent.
The Committee was informed that due to the varied complexity of the three projects, project completion period will vary from 18 to 24 months from time of commencement.
The Committee noted that the projected peak daily water demand for the existing water supply area in the Kwahu Ridge area (as at 2005) was 5,900 m3/day and projected to be 12,000 m3/day if Nkawkaw is included.
The beneficiary towns under the Kwahu project would include Abene, Abetifi, Asakraka Kwahu, Aduamoah, Atibie, Bepong, Bokuruwa, Kwahu Tafo, Mpraeso, Nkwatia, Nteso, Obo, Obomeng, Pepease, Tweneduase, Kotoso, Asempanaye, Nkawkaw, Hweehwee, Akwasseho, Afi, Suminakese and surrounding villages.
The Konongo project would benefit residents of Konongo and surrounding communities.
Beneficiaries of the Kumawu project would include Kumawu, Besoro, Abotanso, Bodomase, Worase, Sekyere, Banko, Wuoso, Awonga, Asuafo, Nsuta, Timate, Amaansu, Kyebi, Atonsu, Kwaman and other settlements along the transmission pipelines.
The Committee observed that the projects would help provide improved access to reliable water supply to the beneficiary communities throughout the year and reduce the levels of non-revenue water. The projects would maximize the social and health benefits of clean, safe and reliable water supply and also help promote food, palm oil processing and other agro industries.
As to how much each project would cost, the Minister of State at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, hon. Dr. Akoto Osei informed the Committee that the costs of the projects would be as follows:
Kwahu -- US$59,977,931.00
Konongo -- US$29,896,475.00
Kumawu -- US$30,125,594.00
TOTAL -- US$120,000,000.00
The Committee observed that the scope of works would include the following:
The scope of works of the Kwahu project includes the following:
Rehabilitation of existing plant;
Expansion of water treatment plant (15,600 m3);
Raw water source development, treatment plant and high level pumping station, supply and installation of electro-mechanical equipment;
Transmission and distribution network (81.9 km);
4 no. booster pump stations at Kwahu Tafo, Mpraeso and Nkwatia;
Rehabi l i ta t ion of Nkawkaw existing boreholes and extension of distribution pipelines;
Provision of boreholes to some communities in the western part of the Ridge;
Supply and installation of 170 kW micro-hydro electric unit;
Supply and installation of domestic and standpipes;
Storage reservoirs.
The scope of works of the Konongo project is in two parts and involves the rehabilitation and expansion of the system to meet the population demand up to the year 2020.
Rehabilitation works would include the following:
Water source rehabilitation
Treatment plant
Staff accommodation
Transmission mains
Water storage
Distribution; and
Booster station
The expansion aspect of the works would include the following:
Water source development
Water treatment plant
Transmission mains
Water storage facility
Distribution system -- 46km
House connections 2,791; and 97 standpipes.
The Kumawu project would involve the construction of a completely new system to serve Kumawu and 26 other communities. Scope of works would include the following:
Site installation
Earth works
Concrete works
Intake structure
Storage reservoir
Conventional treatment plant
Electro-mechanical equipment
Pipe works and other miscellaneous facilities.
A water treatment site would be installed at Aframso. The treated water will be pumped to Kwaman. From Kwaman, the water will be pumped through two transmission mains, one to feed a tank at Kumawu and the other to feed a tank at Kyebi. The Kumawu tank will serve water to Kumawu, Abotanso, Bodomase, Timate, Woraso and Besoro whilst the Kyebi tank serves the population south- west of Kyebi.
Members commended the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning for successfully negotiating this facility for the country. They advised the Ministry to endeavour to secure funds to provide water to all parts of the country. 6.0 Conclusion
The Committee recommends to the House to take note of the grant Amount of US$5 million included in the mixed facility and approve by Resolution, the Loan Amount of US$115 million between the government of the Republic of ghana and Bank of Hapoalim of Israel for the implementation of the Kwahu, Konongo and Kumawu Water Supply Projects in accordance with article 181 of the Constitution, sections 3 and 7 of the Loans Act, 1970 (Act 335) and the Standing
Orders of the House.
Respectfully submitted.