Madam Speaker, as you may recall, on Wednesday, January 7, 2008 after you had been elected as the Hon Speaker of this House and after you
had sworn-in Hon Members, the occasion arose for Leadership to congratulate you on your unanimous approval as the Head of this arm of government.
When I, the Member of Parliament for Suame, representing the Minority side of the House took my turn to welcome and congratulate you for your election and extend a hand of co-operation to you, I complained openly about the seat on which I was sitting. It was most uncomfortable and it attempted to throw me about anytime I needed to adjust myself.
Thursday, January 15, 2008 when the Estate Department called for the replacement of my seat in the Chamber it came to be noticed that the seat I had been sitting on in the Chamber all this while had been tampered with. The holding system had been removed and had been replaced with some rather crude lead fabrication.
Madam Speaker, it was discovered at that time that out of the 230 seats for Members in the House, mine was the only one that had been so tampered with. The Estate Officer insists that his Department had not called for any such “refitting”. Madam Speaker, lead itself is a highly toxic metallic element and when exposed to a physical being it is quite injurious.
This is a scientific truth and it is quite aside the attributions of those who believe in the occult and other mysterious forces. Madam Speaker, I believe in God and not in occultism or the so-called powers of the mysterious forces of darkness. The suppliers of these seats insist that the “work” done beneath the seat could not have been done overnight. They claimed that it might have taken no less than three days to do the work that had been done on the chair.
Hon Speaker, it may be instructive to be informed that the following day,
I must indicate that since then the two seats had been replaced and indeed that of the Majority Leader's in the Chamber has also been replaced.
The questions arising are legion and include the following:
1. Who effected these tampering?
2. Who authorized it, since the Estate Department claim they have not called for any such “work”?
3. What was the intention of the person or persons who did or caused the tampering to be effected?
4. When were the tampering effected?
5. How did the person or persons who effected or caused the tampering to be effected gain access to the Chamber and my office?
6. How were the seats smuggled out of the Chamber block for not less than three days and how were they brought back? Or how were the two seats substituted, since the latter could also be an option?
7. Could the installed security cameras in the Chamber help to identify the person(s) who came to do the tampering in both instances?
8. I am informed on authority that it used to be the practice for a particular person to have personal custody of the keys to this Chamber. What is the practice today?
9. Hon Speaker, the security of Members of Parliament, of your goodself and the staff of this House is at stake and I will urge that we take a very serious view of these developments. Madam Speaker, I would entreat that the House, with your indulgence, causes an investigation into this very serious matter.
I thank you Madam for your indulgence.