Rural Water
Access to potable water for rural communities has increased from 51.7 per cent in 2007 to 57.1 per cent by the end of 2008. This figure will see tremendous increases of investment to attain 60 per cent by the end of 2010.
Mr. Speaker, with the support of the development partners, the Ministry acting through the Community Water and Sanitation Agency will commence the drilling of 1,000 new boreholes, rehabilitate existing 100 boreholes with hand-pumps, construction of 34 small towns pipe systems and train 2,000 WATSAN, 20 DWSRs as well as 20 Partner Organizations and Technical Assistances.
Urban Water Supply
Mr. Speaker, the Ministry acting through the Ghana Water Company Limited will commence the construction of the following water projects: 40 mgd Kpong Water Expansion II, 4 mgd Abesim Water Project, 4 mgd Koforidua Water Project, 2 mgd Bolgatanga Water Project, 3 mgd Wa Water Project, 2.5 mgd Damango Water Project, and undertake the Berekum Water Supply Expansion as well as the Winneba distribution network. The rehabilitation of minor and low capacity treatment plans in various parts of the country will also commence to ensure the production and delivery of safe water.
Affordable Housing Programme.
To sustain the programme, Mr. Speaker, the Ministry has decided to extend the payment period to the end of June 2010, after which the Ministry would not have any choice than to make new offers to the current tenants in occupation. It is the hope of the Ministry that, the Assemblies and the institutions would take immediate steps to clear their indebtedness towards the Ministry.
National Flood Control Programme
Mr. Speaker, the Ministry will continue the annual national flood mitigation programmes that is, widening, deepening and regrading of 20 kilometres stretch of primary drains in Accra, in the other regional capitals and some selected district capitals as well as construct culverts and corresponding inlets and outlets of all storm water drainage systems to protect life, property and other infrastructural facilities.
Keta Sea Defence Project (KSDP)
Mr. Speaker, the Ministry plans to contract out 160 houses of various designs (that is, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom types) as well as ensure the connection of water supply, sewerage and electricity to these completed houses at Kedzi, Vodza and Adzido.
Korle Lagoon Ecological Restoration Project (KLERP)
Mr. Speaker, the relocation programme involving the removal of commercial and industrial activities from the KLERP area to Adjen Kotoku will be continued by the Ministry during the period. Work will be completed on the 4.2 kilometres access road from Medie residential as well as social infrastructures areas. Work will be continued on the 13 kilometres periodic maintenance programme on the Odaw/Onyasia drain as part of the overall KLERP, since the function of the former
year, the Ministry was granted a total amount of GH¢186,956,800 broken down into GoG funds of GH¢16,665,318, donor funds of GH¢110,024,935, IGF funds of GH¢709,399 and HIPC funds of GH¢33,985,000 respectively.
Mr. Speaker, the Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing has as one of its roles, the responsibility to supervise the following Government departments and agencies: Water Resources Commission; Community Water and Sanitation Agency; Ghana Water Company Limited; Hydrological Services Department; Rent Control Department; Department of Rural Housing; Public Servants Housing Loan Scheme Board; Architects Registration Council ;and the Public Works Department for the implementation of its policies, plans, programmes and projects.
It also has an oversight responsibility for the fol lowing non-subvented organizations: Tema Development Corporation, State Housing Company Limited and the Architectural and Engineering Services Limited.
Increasing access to infrastructural facilities especially for the provision of potable Rural and Urban Water, Coastal Protection, Hydrological, Affordable Housing Scheme, Sewerage and Storm Water Drainage Projects are also some of the priority programmes outlined in the Ministry's sector Medium-Term Develop- ment Plan.
Mr. Speaker, in 2010, Government will continue to increase access to safe water and water-related sanitation facilities in the rural and urban areas and also undertake other activities including the construction of affordable housing units, operational hydrology, coastal protection and drainage improvement.
Affordable Housing
Mr. Speaker, rapid population growth coupled with an uncontrollable rate of urbanization continue to make housing one of the most critical issues facing Government. Available data suggests that, housing deficit figure is nearing the threshold of 1,000,000 units, while supply figures have started to fall as against an annual average requirement of over 100,000 units.
To be able to address this imbalance, Government will require an amount of GH¢120 million in the year 2010, both from GOG Budget and other donor sources, for the continuation and completion of the ongoing affordable housing projects at Borteyman, Kpone, Asokore-Mampong, Tamale, Koforidua and Wa.
Additionally, in the year 2010 fiscal year, Government will continue to create the enabling environment to attract and support the private sector into the housing sub-sector (e.g. Ghana-Korea Housing Project for 200,000 units, Messrs Agnus Dei Foundation of USA for 10,000 units, Messrs Agu Resources for 10,000 units, to mention but a few) to commence the construction of over 200,000 various types of decent, safe and low income affordable housing units in the country and to create jobs for the people.
Sale of Government Low Cost Houses
Mr. Speaker, as stated in the Budget Statement, most MMDAs and several government institutions to which offers for the sale of Government Low Cost Houses in 2006 and 2007 were made have failed to purchase them. It will be recalled that, funds from the sale programme was to be ploughed back into the Affordable Housing Programme. The non-payment by these Assemblies and institutions has virtually derailed the Government's