Madam Speaker, if I may, I think it is a very timely call that you have made. As has been noticed, hitherto, we have waited until the nick of time to submit our proposals. Then it has become difficult to factor it into the Budget. Today, as you said, in view of the amendment that we ourselves have effected in the Parliamentary Service Act, it has now become possible for us to send our proposals for consideration by the President and then it is factored into the Budget.
Last year, we were late in submitting the proposals to the President but by the time we submitted our proposals, the Budget had already been fashioned out and it took a long while for us to succeed in making the necessary adjustments, which is why you are coming in with this plea that we start early to submit same to the President.
May I plead, Madam Speaker, in view of the fact that beginning next Monday we are going to Sit five days running, from Monday to Friday, and on all days, we would have extended Sittings, may I plead that the committees -- Madam Speaker, you mentioned the committee Chairs and Ranking Members, that is the leadership of the committees. May I plead that possibly, the entire committees do meet to fashion out their programmes and then submit same to Leadership for onward transmission to the Administration.
Madam Speaker, if we do that then we would be able to be on time with the incorporation of our budget into the national one. Madam Speaker, what we have also noticed is that sometimes the committees, when they meet, just bring what they expect to be given, that is the total of what they deem desirable for them to be able to operate with. We would then say that we need about a hundred thousand Ghana cedis without any explanation. We need the committees to be really detailed in their own work programmes.
If say, they want to embark on some duty tours in the country or outside the country, they will need to justify same in the request, so we know that the Business Committee will be doing this in the year, the Committee on Foreign Affairs will be doing this, the Finance Committee will be doing this; these are the engagements and then we will use same to justify their requests.
Otherwise, we are tempted to give them the same amount which may not do justice to the work schedules of the respective committees. So, Madam Speaker, just to add to what you said and what the Deputy Majority Leader has said, just so that they will be clear in their minds.
And finally, if I may plead with them, in view of the crowded nature of the
Any corrections? Page 1 … 9.
Hon Members, in the absence of any
corrections, the Votes and Proceedings of Thursday, 24th June, 2010 is adopted as the true record of proceedings.
Hon Members, we move to the correction of Official Report of 22nd June,
In the absence of any corrections, the
Official Report of Tuesday, 22nd June, 2010 is hereby adopted as the true record of proceedings.
Hon Members, I will come in here with
a short announcement from the Speaker before we move on to the Business Statement because it is very important. Probably, at that time, the Hon Deputy, Majority Leader would also want to comment on it. It is this:
Hon Members, in compliance with the relevant provisions of the Constitution and the Parliamentary Service Act as amended, I have directed that the Office puts together our budget for the 2011 Financial Year for timely presentation of same to His Excellency the President for incorporation in the national Budget.
I am, therefore, entreating all committee
Chairmen and Ranking Members, to ensure that they present the budget of their respective committees to the Clerk within two weeks from now. This is to enable the Office factor the budget of each committee before presentation to His Excellency the President. Mindful of the fact that we are closing at the end of this July, if we do not work on it till we come back in October, we would not have finished with our budget and we would have the problem we had last year. So this is just an announcement.
Hon Members, shall we move on to