Hon Minority Leader, there is a specific provision under our rules. After the Bill
has passed through the Consideration Stage and what you have to do, if you want to move the Bill through a second Consideration Stage - The one that you are talking about is that the person can get up an say that it should be rejected. Yes, that is when you are opposed to it.
Standing Order 131(2) is dealing with where you do not want the Bill to be passed at all. This is because upon a Motion that the Bill be now read the Third time, it shall be competent for any Member to" move an amendment to delete the Words, "read the Third time" and to insert the word "rejected"
Or to move a reasoned amendment stating the object and motive on which the opposition to the Bill is based, but such words must be strictly relevant to the Bill and not deal with its details".
This is second Consideration Stage, this particular Question was put to the House yesterday and it was agreed on. What he is raising, a decision was taken on it yesterday coming from the Committee. But I will relax the rules, and then I put the Question whether the House wants the Bill to pass through a second Consideration Stage. If the House agrees, before we move to his amendment.
Mr Haruna Iddrisu; Mr Speaker, I assume that you are permitting the second Consideration Stage proposed by the Hon Member and to state that yesterday, when that particular amendment was considered, it was not for the Minister on his own to make that determination on matters relating to the permit. It was to be on the advice of the Board which the Director -General serves on.
Therefore, his argument that that will water down their regulatory power is neither here nor there.
I think that his proposal is misplaced and I will urge him to abandon it so that we can go through the Third Reading.
I so submit.
Thank you.