701. The National U-17 Female Foot-
ball Team, the Black Maidens also partic- ipated in the African U-17 Female Cham- pionship in Morocco and placed second.
702. Mr Speaker, the Senior National Female Football Team, the Black Queens will participate in the 2014 African Wom- en Qualifiers and Championship, while the Black Princesses (U-20) and the Black Maidens (U-17) will both participate in their respective World Cup Qualifiers and Championships.
703. The Local Black Stars will also participate in the 2014 African Nations Championships that will be held in South Africa. Ghana will participate in the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland, the 2nd African Youth Games in Botswana and the 2014 ECOWAS Games in la Cote d' Ivoire.
704. Mr Speaker, the Ministry will pur- sue its policy of converting the National Sports College into a Centre of Sports Ex- cellence in West Africa through the Pub- lic-Private-Partnership arrange-ment. The Project to be undertaken will involve con- struction of multi-purpose sports complex and offices. The College will also run and expand the scope of its coaching courses to include more sporting disciplines.
705. The construction of the Cape Coast Sports Stadium, which commenced with the ground preparatory works, will continue while the process for the acqui- sition of land for the Ho Sports Stadium will be completed for work to commence.
706. Mr Speaker, the Ministry will
expedite action on the construction of a modern boxing gym at Bukom, the rehabilitation of the Accra, Baba Yara, Essipong and Tamale Sports Stadia, and preparatory works for the construction of 10 sports senior high schools in all the
regional capitals and district sports arenas.
707. Mr Speaker, an amount of GH¢3.3 million have been budgeted to be shared equally to the 33 sports associations to facilitate their activities. This is part of the measure by Government to ensure that the lesser known sports are adequately resourced. The component for the Ghana Football Association will be used to sup- port juvenile (colts football).
708. Mr Speaker, for the implementa- tion of the above programmes, an amount of GH¢36,134,116 has been allocated. Out of this, GoG provided GH¢35,685,666 and IGF is GH¢448,450.
National Commission for Civic Edu- cation
709. Mr Speaker, the Commission is
established to promote and sustain de- mocracy and inculcate in the Ghanaian citizenry the awareness of their rights and obligations through civic education.
Key achievements for 2013 and out- look for 2014 are as follows:
2013 Performance and outlook for 2014
Civic Education Programme
710. Mr Speaker, the Commission or- ganised the celebration of the Citizenship Week in 4,000 schools nationwide under the theme “Transparency and Accountable Governance”. The Commission also or- ganised a lecture on the theme “Advancing Together” and engaged the media to mark the 20th anniversary of the Constitution.
711. The Commission will continue to increase ownership and participation in governance process by creating and sustaining awareness among citizens on Good Governance at all levels of society. To this end, the Commission will educate and sensitise the public on the principles of the 1992 Constitution thereby increasing
awareness of citizens' rights and respon- sibilities.
712. The Commission will celebrate the annual constitution week and continue to improve the level of confidence in the justice and administrative system. In addi- tion, it will collaborate with the Electoral Commission to sensitise the citizenry to reduce acrimony and create a free political environment. Furthermore, the Commis- sion will carry out a nationwide voter education and sensitisation on the 2014 District Assembly Elections.
713. Mr Speaker, for the implementa- tion of the above programmes, an amount of GH¢26,982,410 has been allocated. Out of this, GoG is providing GH¢26,982,410.
Ministry of Chieftaincy and traditional Affairs
714.The Ministry exists for the effec- tive interface between Government and the chieftaincy and traditional institution for the promotion of peaceful and good governance and the overall development of Ghana.
Key achievements for 2013 and out- look for 2014 are as follows:
2013 Performance and outlook for 2014
Chieftaincy and traditional affairs programme
715. Mr Speaker, the Ministry, through the judicial processes resolved 40 Chief- taincy cases while 91 disputes were settled through Alternative Dispute Resolution, thus creating peaceful environment and improved productivity. In 2014, the various Judicial Committees within the Chieftaincy Administration will continue to adjudicate the remaining 100 chieftain- cy matters which are pending.
716. Mr Speaker, during the year 2013, 16 Legislative Instruments on lines of succession to 16 stools/skins were processed for passage into law while the Royal Code of Ethics for Chiefs and Queen Mothers was launched to ensure the dignity of Traditional Authority in the country. In 2014, the Ministry will carry out research to codify lines of succession to 20 stools/skins; i.e. 2 in each region. The Ministry will also pursue a field research programme and data collection to codify more and more lines of succession, since that is the surest way to rid the country of the so many rampant chieftaincy disputes over succession.
717. Mr Speaker, in 2013, an elaborate training workshop was organized for 46 chieftaincy staff from across the country to sharpen their skills in Chieftaincy Law and Administration. In 2014, the Ministry will organise 50 elaborate sensitization and awareness creation workshops for Chiefs and Queen Mothers, that is 5 in each region.
The essence of this programme is to overcome the problem of harmful tra- ditional customary practices haunting the Ghanaian society and which impede democratic practice as well as economic development.
718. Mr Speaker, for the implementa- tion of the above programmes, an amount of GH¢20,227,991 has been allocated. Out of this, GoG is GH¢20,227,991.
Ministry of Health
719. Mr Speaker, the mandate of the Ministry of Health is to promote for all Ghanaians good health through the prevention of diseases and injuries, and to restore health of the sick and the inca- pacitated. Key achievements for 2013 and outlook for 2014 are as follows:
2013 Performance and outlook for 2014
Management and administration pro- gramme
720. Mr Speaker, the Ministry con- ducted a successful annual perfor-mance review and also reviewed the 2010-2013 Health Sector Medium-Term Develop- ment Plan. In 2014, the Ghana Health Service and Teaching Hospitals Act, 1996 Act 525, will also be reviewed and amended.
721. The Ministry will strengthen public financial management of the sector as well as health data collection, analysis and management. In addition, 23 hospital administrators will be trained in leadership and financial management. Furthermore, vital health commodities such as family planning contraceptives, tuberculosis drugs, anti-snake serum, rabies vaccines, CSM vaccines and locally manufactured anti-retroviral drugs will be procured.
722. Mr Speaker, the Ministry will also improve monitoring and supervision, implement the digital e-Health Solution Project and replace equipment in selected facilities.
Health Service Delivery Programme
723. Mr Speaker, an evaluation of the free Maternal Health Service Initi- ative was conducted which confirmed the national trend of an increasing use of health facilities for deliveries by pregnant women. Supervised delivery by mid-year increased from 24.3 per cent in 2012 to 37.5 per cent. Ante-Natal Care recorded an increase of 13.7 per cent to 46.3 per cent. In addition, the Couples Years Protection also increased from 586,100 to 749,200.
Finally, family planning acceptor rate marginally increased from 12.4 per cent
to 12.9 per cent. Following from that, the Ministry will accelerate the uptake of Family Planning Programme from 1,400,000 to 1,500,000 Couple Years Protection and increase skilled delivery coverage from 60 per cent in 2013 to 80 per cent in 2014 through the acceleration of implemen-tation of maternal health support programme.
724. Mr Speaker, institutional neonatal mortality at half year was 2.3 per 1,000 live births as against 5.8 per 1,000 live births in 2012. The corresponding figures for institutional infant mortality were 2.6 per 1,000 live births and 6.6 per 1,000 live births. Malaria case fatality rate (CFR) among under-five year olds reduced mar- ginally from 0.87 per cent in half year 2012 to 0.80 per cent in June, 2013.
725. The Ministry will increase the number of functional infant incubators for ne onatal care services by an additional 560 in 184 public hospitals nationwide as well as other accessories. The Ministry will reduce under-5 malaria case fatality rate from 1 per cent in 2013 to 0.75 per cent by scaling up Malaria Vector Control Programme.
726. Mr Speaker, the guinea-worm elimination status has so far been main- tained with no reported cases. To contain rubella measles throughout the country, the Ministry embarked upon mass im- munization campaign in which 921,025 children under 5 were vaccinated.
The third round of the vaccination against Human papilloma virus was con- ducted in the Central and Northern regions for 28,571 girls in classes 4 and 5 against cervical cancer. In 2014, vaccination will be done to cover more girls in classes 4 and 5.
727. Mr Speaker, a pilot membership authentication system was implemented in Ayawaso and La district schemes in Accra. Total indigents increased by 17 per cent from 393,453 in 2012 to 458,685 in 2013. About 5,000 beneficiaries were registered
and the common targeting mechanism is being piloted in 10 districts across the country. A further 1,037 inmates of psy- chiatric hospitals were registered in Accra Mental and Pantang Psychiatric Hospitals.
728. In 2014, to bring sanity in utili- zation, claims management and improve operations, the scheme will scale up the implementation of enhanced membership authentication and the e-claims systems across the country. The Ministry will increase membership of the Scheme by 9 per cent to reach 10.15 million, with the informal sector constituting 35 percent. The cost of claims is projected at GH¢765 million, an increase of 12 per cent.
729. Mr Speaker, an evaluation of pilot capitation in Ashanti Region showed that there is a significant increase in utilization and claims for OPD specialist and referral cases. In addition, a new medicine list and tariff were revised during the course of the year and are currently being implemented. This will enhance efficiency and reduce false claims.
730. Mr Speaker, the Ministry contin- ued the rehabilitation and upgrading of Bolgatanga Regional Hospital and handed over the completed Tarkwa District Hos- pital. In addition, 19 CHPS compounds were constructed while works on 25 new CHPS compounds commenced. In 2014, the Ministry will begin the construction of CHPS compounds to upscale maternal and child health care services.
731. Mr Speaker, under the National Medical Equipment Replacement Project, various medical equipment and machines including patient monitors, MRI scanners, X-ray machines, dental chairs, hospital beds were installed at Ridge Hospital, Tema General Hospital, Princess Marie Louise Children Hospital, 37 Military Hospital, Police Hospital, Maamobi Gen-
eral Hospital, Ga South District Hospital, Achimota Hospital as well as polyclinics at Korle-Bu, Kaneshie and Drobo in the Brong- Ahafo Region.
732. Mr Speaker, the Ministry will by March, 2014, complete and hand over 5 polyclinics located at Bomaa, Techiman- tia, Wamfie, Kwatire and Nkrankwanta all in the Brong-Ahafo Region.
733. Mr Speaker, in 2014, the Ministry will undertake the rehabilitation or expan- sion of various regional and district hos- pitals and polyclinics across the country.
These will include: 20 per cent upgrad- ing of the Ridge Hospital into a functional regional hospital, continuation of the rehabilitation of Bolgatanga Regional Hospital, completion of 50 per cent new maternity facility and expansion of the Tema General Hospital, completion of maternity blocks at Tafo and KomfoA- nokye Teaching Hospitals in Kumasi and refurbishment/ upgrading of Kaneshie Polyclinic into a district hospital.
The rehabilitation of Cape Coast and Ho Municipal Hospitals as well as the Akuse and Mampong Akuapem Hospitals will also commence in 2014.
734. Additional works are the reha- bilitation of the Bechem Hospital, con- struction of 5 polyclinics in the Greater Accra Region, rehabilitation of Axim Hospital, construction of National Blood Transfusion Centres in Accra and Kumasi, construction of two regional hospitals in the Western and Eastern Regions, con- struction of district hospitals at Adenta, East Mamprusi, Besease and Awutu (Central Region).
735. Other projects to be undertaken in 2014 include, the construction of 10 poly- clinics in the Central Region, construction of 1 regional hospital at Wa and 3 district hospitals at Salaga, Tepa and Nsawkaw, construction of 1 district hospital and 5