Mr Speaker, all this while, I have kept silent on this Bill because I personally do not believe that Government creates jobs. But I think that was the positon of this House, that we did not want to create a law that will exhort Government to create jobs. That has been overridden and this is going on.
The reason the sources of funds should not be written on stone is because of the fact that, the modules that these things are used for -- for instance, the one for education, varies from year to year. So, if you put a percentage on it and next year, you need more for that, then you are having difficulties. If at a certain year, you need less for it, then you will be having difficulties.
So, Mr Speaker, I think that that percentage can be a percentage of the District Assemblies Common Fund approved by the House when we are doing the formula. But not a fixed percentage because once you do that, you will make a law that actually fixes something that varies over the years and that is the reason we were using policy to do that. If in one year, you need more teachers, you can increase the percentage for teachers for Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) and if one year, you need another group, which is higher, then you can change it.
But when you fix it this way, and then this year you need more teachers than what this can afford, then you have no way of getting it.
So, Mr Speaker, I would rather want us to amend that section that;
(c) A percentage of the District Assemblies Common Fund in the formula approved by Parliament in accordance with this article.
(d) A percentage of the Ghana Educational Trust Fund in the formula approved by Parliament.
So, that will allow that flexibility, that whenever you need more of this, you can always go for it, otherwise, we will have a situation where we have fixed it and we cannot be very flexible.
But Mr Speaker, the final aspect of it is that, when we do it this way, it means we have to go and amend the previous law and this is because the Distr ict Assemblies Common Fund will now reduce from 7.5 per cent to about 6 point something per cent. Mr Speaker, if we are making a law to take it aside and use it, it means that the previous law that allows the District Assemblies Common Fund would have to be amended.
And finally Mr Speaker, the reason it is very dangerous for us to do what we are doing, is that the District Assemblies Common Fund and the GETFund are not enough to do what they are supposed to do. Now, we are taking it as if the programme that we are doing now, we are just destroying them.
Mr Speaker, that is why we have to be very careful and try to be very flexible in the way we make this law. Otherwise, we will cripple the District Assemblies and GETFund, which is already crippled.
So, Mr Speaker, that is my view on this new clause, that there should be a further amendment to take away the fix percentage and make them just a percentage when it comes to the House, then the House decides on what to do with it.