Mr Speaker, I am surprised at my Hon Colleague's comments, in that, this House has no business trying to establish, maybe, the Immigration Service.
Mr Speaker, it is unfortunate that, I am leading this side, and I wonder whether we should suspend the Consideration Stage and do other things since we have no business establishing anything with regard to the Immigration Act. What we are doing is equally constitutional.
The fact that it is mentioned in article 190, does not mean that -- You come with a rendition when we are trying to amend the rendition for it to really fall in line with what we have been doing -- you keep insisting that once it is in accordance with article 190, this House has no business establishing any other thing but to keep it as it is, then maybe, you want to go and work with the 1992 Constitution only in your office without an Act.
I say so because this House has every business to establish Acts and there cannot be any Act established which does not pass through this House. So, we have every business to do with it. Mr Speaker,
I would want to suggest that, we take the amendment with probably, the same format as we did with the Police Service Act.
Mr Speaker, the Hon Deputy Minister should take a cue from what is happening on the floor if he wants us to make progress. This is because we can continue arguing the whole of this and then the Bill would not be passed.
Yesterday, it started and we had to stand it down in order to make progress. Today, he is bringing it back -- If he is not careful, what is going to happen is that, we would spend all the time arguing this establishment while the actual work is there.
I would want him to take a cue and ask himself, if the rendition is changed, would that change the Immigration Service Act? In my humble opinion, no. So, he should take a cue and help make sure that we make genuine progress rather than wasting all the time arguing about whether it should be established.