HonAkoto Osei, I would be ruling on thismatter. If you like, give me a second.[Pause.] Hon Members, an amendment wasadvertised on page 4 of the Order Paperof 3rd March, 2016. The said amendmentwas to clause 1 of the Chartered Instituteof Taxation Bill, 2014. The amendmentstated as follows and I quote:
“Clause 1 -- Amendment proposed-- Subclause (1), line 2, “Taxation”add “, Ghana”.” This amendment was advertised in thename of the Chairman of the Committee.When the Hon Chairman was called uponto move the amendment, he furtheramended that amendment. The further amendment he made wasthat, instead of “taxation”, add “, Ghana”.After he moved that amendment, therewere extensive discussions on the matter. The Hon Member for Old Tafo, HonAkoto Osei proposed a further amendmentto the amendment proposed by the HonChairman of the Committee.
Hon Members, Standing Order 129deals with the Consideration Stage of aBill. Subclause (a) deals with theprocedure. It says that: “(a) Mr. Speaker shall call the numberof each clause and the Clerk shallread the marginal note oppositeto each clause or notes on top ofeach clause, and if noamendment is offered Mr.Speaker shall, after each clausehas been called, put the question“The clause ... stand part of theBill”;
Subclause (b) deals with amendmentand says that at any time before thequestion is put, a Member can proposean amendment. Hon Members, Standing Order 129 isnot clear on what happens when anamendment is proposed to an amendment.But since all laws such as the StandingOrders should be read as a whole, we shallseek refuge under Standing Order 83.Standing Order 83 deals with method ofopposing and putting Questions onamendment. It is my considered view that to arriveat a conclusion, we must read StandingOrder 129, together with Standing Order83. Standing Order 83 indicates that wherethere is an amendment to an amendment,the Question on the later amendmentshould be put first before the Questionon the earlier amendment is put. Standing Order 84 (4) says:
“(4) If an amendment is moved to anamendment upon which Mr.Speaker has proposed theQuestion, the last mentionedamendment shall be dealt with asif it were the original Motion untilall amendments to it have beendisposed of.”
Hon Members, on that basis, I inviteHon Akoto Osei to state his amendmentin full so that we take that first. And if it isdisposed of, we take the Hon Chairman'samendment.